Gada Prize update

We’ve had a fair amount of interest in the Kartik M. Gada Humanitarian Innovation Prizes, mostly from RepRap types. They pointed out that we had a slight incompatibility in the specification of the open source requirements with those of the RepRap community itself. We’ve changed the requirements to allow either BSD or GPL. To make… Continue reading Gada Prize update

This weekend: free webcast of Foresight Conference

There’s still time to register, but if you just can’t participate in person this year, check out the free webcast of the Foresight Conference being held this weekend in Palo Alto. The bandwidth coming out of the Sheraton is marginal, so the video will be low-res, but we will be posting high-res videos later, funds permitting… Continue reading This weekend: free webcast of Foresight Conference

Follow Foresight2010 online

Foresight 2010 will be webcast live (free) at You can also follow it at Twitter:  #Foresight2010 I’ll be travelling (mostly standing in airpote security lines) between now and then. See you there!

Ominous Parallels

Actually, the ominous part is all over, so relax. A week before the very first Foresight Conference, there was an earthquake — the famous 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.  The conference was moved from the Stanford campus to the Garden Court in downtown Palo Alto as a result. Now, just a week before our 2010 Conference,… Continue reading Ominous Parallels

J Storrs Hall on FastForward Radio tonight

Tonight on Fast Forward Radio J Storrs Hall, president of Foresight joins FFR to continue their special series leading up Foresight 2010. The conference, January 16-17 in Palo Alto, California, provides a unique opportunity to explore the convergence of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence and to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Foresight… Continue reading J Storrs Hall on FastForward Radio tonight

Robin Hanson and Brian Wang Tonight on Fast Forward Radio

(h/t Next Big Future) Tonight on Fast Forward Radio Economist Robin Hanson and futurist Brian Wang join us as we continue our special series leading up Foresight 2010. The conference, January 16-17 in Palo Alto, California, provides a unique opportunity to explore the convergence of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence and to celebrate the 20th anniversary… Continue reading Robin Hanson and Brian Wang Tonight on Fast Forward Radio

Merkle and Anissimov on FastForwardRadio

The Speculist blog’s FastForwardRadio podcast is featuring speakers from Foresight’s upcoming conference next month (January 16-17 in Palo Alto) for the next few weeks. Tonight: Futurist Michael Anissimov and nanotechnologist Ralph Merkle.  10:00 Eastern/9:00 Central/8:00 Mountain/7:00 Pacific.  

Foresight 2010: register now for discounts!

Our conference is coming up January 16-17.  Conference page and registration info here. Time is running out for registration and lodging discounts! I put together the slate of speakers for this conference by inviting the speakers I personally wanted to hear, talking about AI and nanotech and how they will change the shape of the… Continue reading Foresight 2010: register now for discounts!

Foresight 2010: the Synergy of Molecular Manufacturing and AGI

This year is the 20th anniversary of the original Foresight Conference on Nanotechnology. The neat, clear vision of nanotechnology we had in 1989 rested on two key aspects that would make it a transformative, rather than merely an evolutionary, technology: The ability to construct and observe at the atomic scale, and the construction of machines… Continue reading Foresight 2010: the Synergy of Molecular Manufacturing and AGI

Eliezer doth protest too much, methinks

Less Wrong: I’m Not Saying People Are Stupid. The real question isn’t whether people are stupid. The real question is whether people make decisions that matter a lot incorrectly. I claim that we’ve already, as a society, decided that they do.  We’ve replaced kings — human beings — with artificial rule-based decision procedures based on… Continue reading Eliezer doth protest too much, methinks

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