DNA in the lead for nanotechnology construction

DNA-based construction is one of the major contenders on the pathway to atomically-precise manufacturing, and Caltech has made an important advance in that direction. From New Scientist: A group at the California Institute of Technology, led by biomolecular engineer Niles Pierce, has created a DNA-based fabricator. This is a system that allows the team to… Continue reading DNA in the lead for nanotechnology construction

Human enhancement with or without nanotechnology

The first issue of the journal Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology (free reg req’d) is devoted to the topic of Human Enhancement and includes essays by familiar names (de Grey, Freitas, Wolbring, Cameron) and a number of newer ones. In “Medical Nanorobotics: Breaking the Trance of Futility in Life Extension Research (A Reply to… Continue reading Human enhancement with or without nanotechnology

Nanomachines to fight cancer at California NanoSystems Institute

In the postal mail today is the annual research report (PDF) of the CNSI, California NanoSystems Institute. Last month on Dec. 14 was the dedication ceremony (includes video) for their beautiful new nanotechnology building at UCLA. Thirteen projects were singled out for coverage in this year’s report. Our favorite is “Nano Machine Center for Targeted… Continue reading Nanomachines to fight cancer at California NanoSystems Institute

Nanotechnology: Predictions through 2025

As we close out Nanodot for 2007, we note some predictions for the future of nanotechnology through 2025 from Peter von Stackelberg: “Between the end of the first decade of the 21st century and 2025, a number of gamechangers will need to occur if nanotech is to advance significantly,” von Stackelberg says. These gamechangers include:… Continue reading Nanotechnology: Predictions through 2025

Kinder, gentler molecular machine for nanotechnology

From Physorg.com, a description of some theoretical nanotechnology work that could lead to more efficient molecular machines: …R. Dean Astumian, a Physics Professor at the University of Maine, has recently proposed a concept in which molecular machines can operate arbitrarily close to chemical equilibrium at every instant of the cycle, and still perform work at… Continue reading Kinder, gentler molecular machine for nanotechnology

Molecular nanosystems: Where nanotechnology wants to go

Enough with the nanoparticles already — we want molecular nanosystems. Los Angeles will be the place to be this January when two powerhouse academic institutions come together to push forward toward this goal. Here’s the scoop, in full, as received by email: California NanoSystems Institute and Kyushu University Global COE Present Joint Symposium on Molecular… Continue reading Molecular nanosystems: Where nanotechnology wants to go

More on nanotechnology for medicine using nanorobots

A post by Roland Piquepaille on ZDnet further exploring a topic recently covered here: nanoscale robotic devices for medical applications. The site allows you to indicate whether you want this subject covered in the future or not. Excerpt: The idea of using nanorobots to deliver drugs and fight diseases such as cancers is not new…But… Continue reading More on nanotechnology for medicine using nanorobots

Nanotechnology modeling for medical nanorobots

Foresight members will recognize the names of researchers Robert Freitas and Tad Hogg. These two in the U.S. have now teamed with others from Australia to model nanotechnology robotics for medical applications, as described at PhysOrg.com. Excerpts: Virtual 3D nanorobots could lead to real cancer-fighting technology From eliminating the side effects of chemotherapy to treating… Continue reading Nanotechnology modeling for medical nanorobots

Nanotechnology roadmap for atomically-precise manufacturing

An article in Small Times by Paul Burrows of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory covers the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems (TRPN) aimed at Atomically-Precise Manufacturing (APM), a joint project of Foresight Nanotech Institute and Battelle, funded by the Waitt Family Foundation and by Sun Microsystems. Some excerpts: The Foresight-Battelle roadmap aimed to address this “vision… Continue reading Nanotechnology roadmap for atomically-precise manufacturing

Second Life gets Nanotechnology Island

On October 8, some of us were in the air on our way to the Productive Nanosystems Conference (pdf). Others — specifically, UgoTrade.com — were blogging about the new Nanotechnology Island in Second Life: Dave Taylor, of the National Physical Laboratory (in the UK), explains that some of the key objectives are to: “provide resources… Continue reading Second Life gets Nanotechnology Island

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