Self-assembled square arrays may lead nanotechnology to very small electronic devices

Nanotech methods for making very small electronic devices may benefit from a new ability to make block copolymers self-assemble into square arrays.

Nanotechnology may need to account for proteins that coat nanoparticles used for drug delivery

Different chemical surfaces covering a nanoparticle can attract different types of blood proteins to coat the nanoparticle, which might affect how the nanoparticle moves through the body and where it ends up.

Consortium for atomically precise manufacturing awarded $9.7 M to develop advanced nanotechnology

DARPA and a Texas fund have awarded $9.7M to investigate one nanotech path toward atomically precise manufacturing.

First massively multiplayer forecasting platform to look for solutions to future scenarios

Christine Peterson passes along this news from the quarterly update of the Institute for the Future (IFTF) as something worth considering: “Foresight members and Nanodot readers may wish to join this collaborative forecasting effort.” The IFTF announced their First Massively Multiplayer Forecasting Platform (MMFG): MMFGs are collaborative, open-source simulations of imagined future scenarios. Designed to… Continue reading First massively multiplayer forecasting platform to look for solutions to future scenarios

American public remains uninformed about nanotechnology

A recently released poll shows that the American public is largely uniformed about both nanotechnology and synthetic biology, and furthermore that the level of public awareness about nanotechnology has not changed since 2004.

STM brings near-atomic resolution to graphene nanotechnology

The recent demonstration of the ability to “fully engineer the electronic band gap of graphene” is a major advance in the top-down approach to nanotech applications that take advantage of the many marvelous properties of graphene.

Calculating the role of Casimir forces in nanotechnology

Swedish scientists have developed a computer program to calculate Casimir forces between various types of nanostructured materials, which may help to determine whether significant friction problems exist in specific designs.

Conference to develop proposal for a nanotech space elevator

November conference in Japan to draw up a proposal and timeline for a space elevator to be made possible through nanotechnology.

NanoArt festival to showcase nanotechnology and its impact

Christine Peterson passes along this press release from NANOART FESTIVAL-STUTTGART: The 2nd International Festival for NanoArt organized by NanoArt21 ( will be hosted in Stuttgart, Germany by NAHVISION Institute for International Culture Exchange, between November 1st and November 30th, 2008. The show is curated by artist/scientist Cris Orfescu (USA) and art professor Dorothea Fleiss (Germany).… Continue reading NanoArt festival to showcase nanotechnology and its impact

One Insurer Excludes Nanotechnology from Policies

Christine Peterson passes along this item from a recent (September 25, 2008) NanoBusiness Alliance Newsletter: Insurer Excludes Nanotechnology from Policies Beginning November 15, the Continental Western Insurance Group will no longer insure against bodily injury, property damage, or personal and advertising injury related to the actual, alleged, or threatened presence of or exposure to nanotubes… Continue reading One Insurer Excludes Nanotechnology from Policies

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