What George Bush and Ted Kennedy agree on: Nanotechnology

We already knew that U.S. President George W. Bush is bullish on nanotechnology, but look who else is on the nanotech bandwagon: Nanotechnology research now under way at the University of Massachusetts Lowell will be a crucial part of any future economic success in both Massachusetts and the United States as a whole, Sen. Edward… Continue reading What George Bush and Ted Kennedy agree on: Nanotechnology

Not every country needs a nanotechnology program now

Here’s yet another new national effort in nanotechnology — Kazakstan wants to get in on the action in nanotech: President Nursultan Nazarbaev announced the spending increase on October 13 at a ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the country’s Academy of Sciences. Funding will increase by a factor of 25 over the next five… Continue reading Not every country needs a nanotechnology program now

DNA does tic-tac-toe, molecular motors work together in nanotechnology

Eoin Clancy writes from the Institute for Nanoscale Science & Technology at University of Newcastle: Recent paper published in Nano Letters “Medium Scale Integration of Molecular Logic Gates in an Automaton” by Joanne Macdonald et al. From the abstract: We now report a second-generation deoxyribozyme-based automaton, MAYA-II, which plays a complete game of tic-tac-toe according… Continue reading DNA does tic-tac-toe, molecular motors work together in nanotechnology

Nanotechnology: World Council of Churches promotes UN approval required for all new technologies

[Instapundit readers: you can sign up for nanotech news emails on the right side of this page at “free registration.”] A nanotechnology report has come out from the World Council of Churches titled “Science, Faith & New Technologies: Transforming Life — Volume I: Convergent Technologies.” (PDF) The World Council of Churches is a group of… Continue reading Nanotechnology: World Council of Churches promotes UN approval required for all new technologies

Nanotechnology: Check out the 2006 Nano Quest Challenge

The FIRST organization — inspired by inventor Dean Kamen — and the Lego Group are sponsoring the 2006 Nano Quest Challenge, and sadly for the rest of us, it seems to be limited to kids 9-14 years old, plus 6 to 9-year-olds in the junior league in US and Canada. But wait — all the… Continue reading Nanotechnology: Check out the 2006 Nano Quest Challenge

Nanotechnology: Lessons from open source biotech

Roger Brent, director of the Molecular Sciences Institute in Berkeley, is a leader in open source biotech: Putting his patents where his principles are, Dr. Brent’s institute has drafted an “Open Source Policy” which commits to “[making] reagents and methods freely available to the research community.” You can see MSI’s open source policy and a… Continue reading Nanotechnology: Lessons from open source biotech

Psychoanalyst takes on nanotechnology

In the U.S., psychoanalysis has fallen a bit out of fashion. But in Italy, a psychonanalyst heads up their bioethics organization, Centre for Science, Society and Citizenship. A year ago, Professor Emilio Mordini presented on “Dreams, Hopes and Uncertainties in the Nano Revolution” at EuroNanoForum 2005: Nanotechnology and the Health of the EU Citizen in… Continue reading Psychoanalyst takes on nanotechnology

How to save $149,850 per nanotechnology experiment

Atomistix has just expanded to the U.S. at the Innovation Center Denmark in Palo Alto, not far from Foresight. I missed their open house on September 28, but I see that their CEO Thomas Magnussen explained the value of computational modeling in nanotechnology: Over time, the price of nanotechnology experimentation has gone up while the… Continue reading How to save $149,850 per nanotechnology experiment

Must-see video on nature's nanotechnology

[UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers. If you like to get nano news, free subscription to our e-newsletter is at the right, part way down, on this blog’s home page.] From scientific animation company XVIVO in collaboration with Harvard comes an 8-minute video showing nature’s nanotechnology: molecular machinery of the cell, in action: Nuclei, proteins and lipids… Continue reading Must-see video on nature's nanotechnology

Think twice before labeling nanotechnology products

[UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers. For free e-newsletter, subscribe at right, part way down, on this blog’s home page.] The ETC Group, recently mentioned here for its PR skills, has announced a contest to design a Nano-Hazard symbol for nanotechnology: Standard setting bodies around the world are now scrambling to agree on nomenclature that can describe… Continue reading Think twice before labeling nanotechnology products

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