Socialist view of nanotechnology

For a lighter moment here at Nanodot, we look at nanotechnology from the Socialist Worker perspective: “Capitalism, forever in search of updated means of production, has seized upon nanotechnology as a panacea for its present ills and invested huge amounts in research programmes…The possibilities offered by nanotechnology and nanoscience have been hyped to attract investors… Continue reading Socialist view of nanotechnology

Free nanotech patent reports

Having trouble keeping up with patents in nanotechnology? Sure you are! The folks at Nanotechnology Now have a new nanopatent info service, the NanoTech Transfer Report, which they will send you free. OK, not forever, but free for 90 days, which should be long enough to see if it’s worth $39.95 a month to you.… Continue reading Free nanotech patent reports

Arrison calls for strong self-regulation in nanotech

In a TechNewsWorld column Sonia Arrison, director of Technology Studies at Pacific Research Institute, calls for strong self-regulation in nanotech: “The scientific community is well aware of the potential dangers with nano-scale particles. The public will be glad to know that the discussion over proper methods is thriving and developing in tandem with the technology.… Continue reading Arrison calls for strong self-regulation in nanotech

Time estimates for nano developments 2008-2021

As part of the EC-funded Nano2Life program, Aharon Hauptman and Yair Sharanhaupt of the Interdisciplinary Center for Technology Analysis and Forecasting (ICTAF) at Tel-Aviv University have written a 39-page report titled “Envisioned Developments in Nanobiotechnology” based on a survey of 139 experts from 30 countries. The 50% median date estimate from “experts and knowledgeable” for… Continue reading Time estimates for nano developments 2008-2021

Public trusts nanoscientists more than nanoregulators

In a study by Edna Einsiedel of University of Calgary, it was found that the U.S. and Canadian publics trust nanoscientists much more than they do those in charge of nanotech regulation. About a quarter of those responding claimed to have discussed nanotechnology previously. Over 70% agreed that “Nanotechnology will be one of the most… Continue reading Public trusts nanoscientists more than nanoregulators

Africans respond to prospect of nanotech competition

In a piece titled When Technology Displaces the Farmer, Arnold Munthali presents the ETC Group’s concerns about nanotech-based competition for African farmers, and responses from the farmers’ representatives attending the World Trade Organization meeting in Hong Kong: “While delegates are negotiating for better trade, however, Jim Thomas of the ETC Group, which campaigns on ecological… Continue reading Africans respond to prospect of nanotech competition

Nanosurgery journal article by Freitas

From the International Journal of Surgery, an editorial on Nanotechnology, nanomedicine and nanosurgery by Robert A. Freitas, Jr. It reviews Feynman’s vision, today’s microrobotic surgical devices, and projects advanced medical nanodevices: “We envision biocompatible surgical nanorobots that can find and eliminate isolated cancerous cells, remove microvascular obstructions and recondition vascular endothelial cells, perform ‘noninvasive’ tissue… Continue reading Nanosurgery journal article by Freitas

Bayh-Dole & Nanotechnology: corporate corruption of U.S. higher education

In the journal Nanotechnology Law & Business, there’s a book review by J. Steven Rutt of Foley & Lardner titled “Bayh-Dole and Nanotechnology: A Review of University Inc.: The Corporate Corruption of American Higher Education”. The abstract: “Nanotechnology joined the Dummies book series in 2005.  While Dummies is a light read, Jennifer Washburn’s grave book,… Continue reading Bayh-Dole & Nanotechnology: corporate corruption of U.S. higher education

Nominate this year's Nano 50 by March 1

From Nanotech Briefs, on whose Editorial Advisory Board I am privileged to serve: “Nanotech Briefs announces the Second annual Nano 50™, the ultimate list of the top 50 technologies, products, and innovators that have significantly impacted – or will impact – key nanotechnology commercial markets, from automotive and electronics, to biomedical and materials. The Nano… Continue reading Nominate this year's Nano 50 by March 1

Book on Nano-Hype just published

Prof. David Berube’s new book has just been published: Nano-Hype: The Truth Behind the Nanotechnology Buzz. From the publisher: “Nanotechnology, the science of molecular engineering at the atomic scale, has captured the popular imagination. From movies to TV series to video games, utopian fantasies and horror scenarios involving nanotechnology have become a staple of the… Continue reading Book on Nano-Hype just published

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