Free pass to SME Nanomanufacturing Conference

Once again, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers has donated one free pass to their Nanomanufacturing Conference to Foresight: April 14-15, 2010 — SME Nanomanufacturing Conference Hilton Phoenix East in Mesa, Arizona–001875-000007-nhome–SME- This includes free admission to one of the pre-conference workshops on April 13, including Understanding Nanotechnology, taught by Foresight Senior Associate Tihamer “Tee”… Continue reading Free pass to SME Nanomanufacturing Conference

New sf novel includes nanomedicine, reviewed by Robert Freitas

In the mailbag today: A new fiction book Beyond Guilty by Richard Brawer, who got help on it from Robert Freitas, winner of the 2009 Foresight Institute Feynman Prize for Theory.  Brawer wrote, “Robert A. Freitas Jr., Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, has graciously edited the references to nanomanufacturing and nanomedicine… Continue reading New sf novel includes nanomedicine, reviewed by Robert Freitas

State-of-the-art Nanoprobes at Stanford, May 14

If you appreciate the mind-boggling abilities of today’s nanoscale probes and microscopes, and/or want to move your career in the direction of nanotechnology, consider joining the Center for Probing the Nanoscale gang at Stanford’s 6th Annual Nanoprobes Workshop on May 14, 2010.  Registration accepted until May 7.  Fees range from $100 for industry to free for… Continue reading State-of-the-art Nanoprobes at Stanford, May 14

IEEE Spectrum looks at cryonics

The March 2010 issue of IEEE Spectrum has an article on cryonics, a method of suspended animation, featuring Dr. Ralph Merkle.  Ralph is described as a nanotechnology expert; apparently the issue went to press just before he was also named as a co-winner of the 2010 IEEE Haming Medal. As a long-time IEEE member, I… Continue reading IEEE Spectrum looks at cryonics

The protein engineering path to molecular manufacturing

One way to reach molecular machine systems is to get really, really good at protein engineering. If that’s your goal, you’ll want to be in Boston on May 17-21 for PEGS 2010, “the essential protein engineering summit”. Not sure if this is your pathway? Just reading the talk titles is educational. And they have great… Continue reading The protein engineering path to molecular manufacturing

Ave atque Vale

In case anyone wonders where I’ve gone, I’m resigning from Foresight for medical reasons (adhesive capsulitis — long and painful course of therapy) and to concentrate my few remaining neurons on my AI research.  I really wish nanomedicine had advanced further in the interim 🙂

Live webcast tomorrow March 12 on U.S. Nat'l Nanotech Initiative

Wondering how U.S. federal nanotech tax dollars are spent?  Obama’s first President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) review will be webcast live tomorrow, March 12.  This review only occurs every two years so this is your big chance to see what the current administration thinks of the NNI. Thirty minutes are set… Continue reading Live webcast tomorrow March 12 on U.S. Nat'l Nanotech Initiative

Off to AGI-10

I’m on my way to AGI-10, the general AI conference, in Lugano.  If any readers are attending, let’s get together. Among other things, we’ll be unveiling a preliminary take on the AGI Roadmap (of which Foresight is a sponsor).

IOP comments on Climategate

The UK-based Institute of Physics (IOP) publishes, among other things, the journal Nanotechnology, one of the leading journals in the field, and has had special issues with papers from Foresight conferences gaoing back to the 90s. It was thus somewhat surprising, yet gratifying, to find them submitting quite a strongly-worded critique of practices in climatology… Continue reading IOP comments on Climategate

Snow thoughts

It’s been snowing continuously here for about 2 days.  The heaviest snows I’ve experienced in my life (for any significant amount of time) were an inch an hour, but this has been half that — amounting to a foot a day. If it were to keep snowing like this for a week, it would be… Continue reading Snow thoughts

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