Y2K + 10

Tonight is the tenth anniversary of the end of the world, according to some people. May all your future angst be as groundless … and Happy New Year!

Learning from science

There’s a really nice article at Wired about Kevin Dunbar’s research how science is really done and how often scientists get data they didn’t expect. Dunbar knew that scientists often don’t think the way the textbooks say they are supposed to. He suspected that all those philosophers of science — from Aristotle to Karl Popper… Continue reading Learning from science

Futurisms – Critiquing the project to reengineer humanity: Happy Birthday, Nanotechnology?

Futurisms – Critiquing the project to reengineer humanity: Happy Birthday, Nanotechnology?. Adam Keiper over at the New Atlantis reminds us it’s the 50th anniversary of Feynman’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom talk.

J Storrs Hall on FastForward Radio tonight

Tonight on Fast Forward Radio J Storrs Hall, president of Foresight joins FFR to continue their special series leading up Foresight 2010. The conference, January 16-17 in Palo Alto, California, provides a unique opportunity to explore the convergence of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence and to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Foresight… Continue reading J Storrs Hall on FastForward Radio tonight

Life extension: taking those first steps

Longtime readers know that we at Foresight would prefer that our members, and Nanodot readers in general, actually live long enough to experience the benefits of molecular nanotechnology personally.  In that vein, we bring to your attention America’s Wellness Challenge, which I am helping as a member of their Social Media Advisory Board. If you… Continue reading Life extension: taking those first steps


The first time I met Eric Drexler, I complained to him, “You’ve ruined science fiction for me.”  (He replied, “If it’s any consolation, I ruined it for myself.”) The reason, of course, is that understanding nanotech means that the all the classic SF projections become so piddling and simplistic in comparison that any story set… Continue reading Avatar

Is the brain a reasonable AGI design?

Shane Legg seems to think so:  Tick, tock, tick, tock… BING. Having dealt with computation, now we get to the algorithm side of things. One of the big things influencing me this year has been learning about how much we understand about how the brain works, in particular, how much we know that should be… Continue reading Is the brain a reasonable AGI design?

Tiptoe or dash to the future?

Over at Overcoming Bias, Robin Hanson wonders whether we should go fast or slow with tech development as we move toward a level of development (solar-system wide or interstellar civilization) where we are reasonably not likely to be wiped out in a single incident. He bases his analysis on how likely we are to stumble (or… Continue reading Tiptoe or dash to the future?

Scientists Create World’s First Molecular Transistor

Scientists Create World’s First Molecular Transistor. Very nice writeup of the research over at Next Big Future. To my mind what’s new here isn’t the transistor per se — semiconducting and conductive states have been known in CNTs for over a decade, and FET and diode-like arrangements of them have been around for the same.… Continue reading Scientists Create World’s First Molecular Transistor

A Visit from Saint Assembler

Historical note: back when I ran sci.nanotech, it was my tradition to post this poem every Christmas, in a spirit of light-hearted fun. We here at Foresight wish all our readers the merriest of seasons greetings, and hope that you all are safe, warm, and enjoying your holidays with family and friends!   A Visit… Continue reading A Visit from Saint Assembler

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