Is Robo Habilis a gateway to Intelligence?

In response to my Robo Habilis post, Tim Tyler replied: An intelligence challenge should not involve building mechanical robot controllers – IMO. That’s a bit of a different problem – and a rather difficult one – because of the long build-test cycle involved in such projects. There are plenty of purer tests of intelligence that… Continue reading Is Robo Habilis a gateway to Intelligence?

Nanotechnology devices: Molecular machines shift into gear

Nanotechnology devices: Molecular machines shift into gear. An atomically precise gear, rotated by pushing the teeth one at a time with a STM tip.

More on the AI takeover

There are at least 4 stages of intelligence levels that AI will have to get through to get to the take-over-the-world level. In Beyond AI I refered to them as hypohuman, diahuman, epihuman, and hyperhuman; but just for fun let’s use fake species names: Robo insectis: rote, mechanical gadgets (or thinkers) with hand-coded skills, such… Continue reading More on the AI takeover

Rice scientists point out that nanotubes are polymers

( From NanoWerk: Rice scientists argue nanotubes can be treated like polymers Wade Adams, Matteo Pasquali, Micah Green and Natnael Behabtu at Rice pick up that thread in their discussion of what we know — or think we know — about carbon nanotubes. Their review in the journal Polymer (“Nanotubes as polymers”) makes the argument… Continue reading Rice scientists point out that nanotubes are polymers

Do we need Friendly AI?

My Robo Habilis post was picked up on by Michael Anissimov who wrote: (me:) It seems to me that one obvious way to ameliorate the impact of the AI/robotics revolution in the economic world, then, is simple: build robots whose cognitive architectures are enough different from humans that their relative skillfullness at various tasks will… Continue reading Do we need Friendly AI?

Robo Habilis

One of the species of early hominids is named Homo habilis, meaning “handy man,” after their significant advancement in tool use over previous hominids. One of the goals of the AGI Roadmap is to chart paths to full human intelligence, and one of the paths might follow the one that evolution took. The Wozniak Test,… Continue reading Robo Habilis

AGI Roadmap meeting

Foresight’s mission is essentially an educational one.  In simplest terms we are here to point out foreseeable technological developments that not only will make the future different from the past, but make it different in ways that aren’t obvious and which everyone isn’t already planning for. Nanotechnology — true nanotech in Drexler’s original sense of… Continue reading AGI Roadmap meeting

IEEE Spectrum: German Environmental Agency Miffed at Exploitation of Position Paper on Nanotechnology

IEEE Spectrum: German Environmental Agency Miffed at Exploitation of Position Paper on Nanotechnology. From Dexter Johnson at nanoclast: Germany’s Federal Environment Agency (UBA) last week made a background paper available on their website, which they now concede contained no new research and none that their organization had actually performed, entitled “Nanotechnology for Humans and the… Continue reading IEEE Spectrum: German Environmental Agency Miffed at Exploitation of Position Paper on Nanotechnology

Atomic precision as the goal of nanotechnology

Nanotechnology Enables Real Atomic Precision is the title of a piece by Susan Smith in Desktop Engineering, which includes comments by longtime Foresight Senior Associates Steve Vetter and Tihamer Toth-Fejel: While nanotechology might mean different things to different people, the term was originally coined to describe the building of things from the bottom up with… Continue reading Atomic precision as the goal of nanotechnology

Accelerating Future » RepRap “Mendel” to be Released Soon!

Accelerating Future » RepRap “Mendel” to be Released Soon!. Nicw round-up with videos of the latest in the Rep-Rap world.

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