A new glycerol nucleic acid (GNA) building block for structural DNA nanotechnology

A new building block for structural DNA nanotechnology uses a 3-carbon glycerol molecule instead of the 5-carbon sugar deoxyribose found in DNA.

Forever young with nanotechnology

To round out our week in nanotech on an upbeat note, we have Caltech professor Michael Roukes‘ podcast over at Earth & Sky: Forever Young. In addition to the podcast, and there’s more at the Power of Small television show on medical applications of nanotechnology, which also appears to use the title Forever Young. From… Continue reading Forever young with nanotechnology

Nanotech approach kills resistant cancer cells

The peptide nanostructure is activated by a protein-cutting enzyme found on certain cancer cells so that the activated peptide aligns the crown ethers to punch holes in the cancer cell membranes.

Nanotechnology may bring the $100-dollar personal genome in five years

Two companies are applying nanotechnology to develop a really cheap method to sequence individual genomes to make possible individualized medicine.

Automated molecular evolution as a tool for nanotechnology

Lab-on-a-chip technology has been used to automate the evolution of molecules so that this approach might prove useful for nanotech purposes.

Structural DNA nanotechnology builds dodecahedron from three-legged building blocks

Three short DNA strands attached to one aromatic ring containing six carbon atoms form three-legged building blocks that assemble into a dodecahedron.

Treating spinal cord injury with nanotechnology

Current capabilities in nanotechnology not only promise better vehicles for drug delivery, but also provide materials nanoengineered to promote specific tissue healing.

Do-it-yourself nanotechnology objects from DNA

Snowbird, Utah is the place to be for nanotechnologists on April 22-25 for the 5th Annual Conference on Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO08): Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices. Those of you who have attended Foresight research conferences will recognize a number of familiar names and lots of new ones. Mark Sims of Nanorex tells us that they… Continue reading Do-it-yourself nanotechnology objects from DNA

Silencing gene expression for cancer therapy through nanotechnology

For a review of three recent advances in using nanoparticles for siRNA anticancer therapy, provided by the National Cancer Institute’s Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer…

Nanotechnology uses molecular motor to reveal presence of single DNA molecule

Nanotechnology may enable faster and more sensitive detection of disease by using a molecular motor to spin a gold nanorod in the presence of the right DNA molecule.

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