Psychoanalyst takes on nanotechnology

In the U.S., psychoanalysis has fallen a bit out of fashion. But in Italy, a psychonanalyst heads up their bioethics organization, Centre for Science, Society and Citizenship. A year ago, Professor Emilio Mordini presented on “Dreams, Hopes and Uncertainties in the Nano Revolution” at EuroNanoForum 2005: Nanotechnology and the Health of the EU Citizen in… Continue reading Psychoanalyst takes on nanotechnology

Finding funds for int'l nanotechnology collaborations

Lots of people say that nanotech R&D should include international collaborations, but these are not always easy to set up, especially the money part. To the rescue is Nanoforum, a “European Nanotechnology Gateway” funded by the EU, which has published a report (free reg. req’d) listing such opportunities: Countries for which funding opportunities have been… Continue reading Finding funds for int'l nanotechnology collaborations

UK pulling ahead on nanotechnology matter compiler

The idea of a nanotech-based matter compiler began in the U.S., and we do some relevant computer modeling studies, but the U.K is pulling ahead toward actually building one. Twenty to thirty lucky researchers will gather on January 8-12, 2007, to brainstorm how to do this, after which the U.K. government will spend about US$… Continue reading UK pulling ahead on nanotechnology matter compiler

National Academies nanotechnology report calls for experimentation toward molecular manufacturing

The long-awaited report on the U.S. NNI from the National Academies’ National Research Council has just been issued. For Foresight, the most important part is the review of molecular self-assembly and molecular manufacturing. Here’s the short form: Molecular Assembly: Self-assembly for the manufacturing of simple devices and materials is feasible, but because the probability of… Continue reading National Academies nanotechnology report calls for experimentation toward molecular manufacturing

Israel to increase nanotechnology matching funds

From Webwire, news of an increased commitment by Israel to keep pace in nanotech: The Israeli government will increase funding for Israeli universities over the next 5 years to $82 million in order to strengthen their advanced research centers in nanoscience and nanotechnology, it was announced today… “We found that multiple donation matching can work… Continue reading Israel to increase nanotechnology matching funds

A better nanotechnology definition: U.S. NNI gives up

Although the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative’s previous definition of nanotechnology was confusing, at least they were trying to make it more relevant than the usual “anything 1-100 nm” nanotech definition used by so many. Sadly, they’ve given up and are now using this: “Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at dimensions of roughly… Continue reading A better nanotechnology definition: U.S. NNI gives up

Highlights of President's 2007 report on the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative

Of course most Nanodot readers will want to study this 76-page report (PDF) in great detail, but for the few who don’t quite get around to this task, here are some of the more ambitious parts: In the section on 2006 and 2007 Activities by Agency, NIST says they will continue to “devise ways to… Continue reading Highlights of President's 2007 report on the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative

Center for Nanotechnology Excellence opens in Moscow

As you read this, I should be arriving in Moscow (badly jetlagged) to keynote Interop Moscow. But I will also try to find the brand new Center for Nanotechnology Excellence here, which a June 11 story reports “officially opened last weekend.” As I write this, the only web coverage of the Center is in form… Continue reading Center for Nanotechnology Excellence opens in Moscow

Watch Smallscapes webcast by July 1

Frequent reader Jonas Ørbæk Hansen brings to our attention an archived webcast of the June 1 nanotechnology conference Smallscapes sponsored by Denmark’s Innovation Lab and iNANO and held in English. Includes speakers from Denmark, US, and UK. Watch it soon, as the archived webcasts of the talks will only be available for one month, and… Continue reading Watch Smallscapes webcast by July 1

Public participation in nanotechnology planned

I’m out in DC for the Public Participation in Nanotechnology Workshop (pdf), just completed. The group of 150 was a mix of academics, government officials, some miscellaneous stakeholders (such as me on behalf of Foresight), a few researchers, and a small number of businessfolks including Jim Von Ehr of Zyvex. It was a two-day conference… Continue reading Public participation in nanotechnology planned

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