Watch Israel in nanotech

Nano-watchers will definitely want to keep an eye on Israel. Explore the Israel NNI website for details; here are some of their assertions on why Israel is and will continue to be a player: “Israel’s small size and limited financial resources are serious challenges, but Israel’s academic, business and government leaders recognize nanotech as a… Continue reading Watch Israel in nanotech

Global nanotech review by U.S. Office of Naval Research

Ronald Kostoff of the Office of Naval Research brings our attention to some new ONR publications, listed on this page: “Two recent reports (1, 2) contain a text mining survey and analysis of the global nanotechnology literature, and should be of use to nanotechnology research performers, managers, planners, sponsors, evaluators, vendors, and implementers/ users… “Some highlights of… Continue reading Global nanotech review by U.S. Office of Naval Research

Nanodynamics joins call for 10% nano funds for safety

Joining DuPont and Environmental Defense, followed by Foresight, Nanodynamics CEO Keith Blakely has issued a call in recent Congressional testimony for 10% of federal nano spending to go toward safety studies: “The federal government, as the largest single investor in nanotechnology research, must take the lead in identifying the appropriate gaps in EHS information and… Continue reading Nanodynamics joins call for 10% nano funds for safety

Webcast this Thursday on Environmental/Safety impacts

There will be a webcast of the U.S. House Science Committee hearing on “Environmental and Safety Impacts of Nanotechnology: What Research is Needed?” to be held at 10 AM to noon Eastern time. Witnesses testifying: Dr. Clayton Teague, Director, National Nanotechnology Coordination Office Dr. Richard Denison, Senior Scientist, Environmental Defense Dr. Krishna C. Doraiswamy, Research… Continue reading Webcast this Thursday on Environmental/Safety impacts

Claim: China is now #2 in nanotech

From “China Moving Up in Nano World” in Smalltimes: “New findings from Lux Research Inc. say that trends in Chinese nanotech research have set the world’s largest nation on a course to challenge dominant nanotech players like the U.S., Japan, and Germany. “The company says that China’s nanotech efforts would have broad-reaching implications for issues… Continue reading Claim: China is now #2 in nanotech

NCI goal for nanotech: "eliminating suffering and death from cancer by 2015"

Wired News surveys current work on nanotech for cancer treatment: “It’s a space-opera scene we know by heart: The hero’s tiny craft faces off against the vast enemy ship. Now scale down the set a billion times or so, and replace Luke Skywalker’s X-wing and the Death Star with a clump of drug-bearing molecules and… Continue reading NCI goal for nanotech: "eliminating suffering and death from cancer by 2015"

The government is coming — nanotech regulation

Now up: “Federal Government Regulation of Nanotechnology: Present and Future Trends” by Nancy White of Central Michigan University. She began with “The government is coming.” Areas likely to be regulated are limitation of self-replication and encryption of software used with nanotech. “Foresight’s policies will probably be used by the Federal government.” This pre-planning “should be… Continue reading The government is coming — nanotech regulation

George Atkinson, Sci/Tech Advisor to US Secretary of State

Dr. Atkinson first emphasized that these remarks are personal, not official State Dept views. An early point: Global leadership in science and technology is transitory — the younger people he works with sometimes don’t realize this. He’s explaining how the US finds out what’s happening in S&T overseas: Global Dialogues on Emerging Science and Technology,… Continue reading George Atkinson, Sci/Tech Advisor to US Secretary of State

Environmental Defense press conference, Foresight response

In today’s San Francisco Chronicle, Keay Davidson describes an Environmental Defense press conference calling for more testing of nanomaterials, and Foresight’s response: “Despite their cautionary tone, the Environmental Defense speakers’ remarks were welcomed Wednesday by Christine Peterson, vice president of public policy at the best-known institutional defender of nanotechnology, the Foresight Nanotech Institute in Palo… Continue reading Environmental Defense press conference, Foresight response

EU NanoRoadMap to cover MNT, nanofactories

From Cordis News: “The objective of the NanoRoadMap (NRM) project, funded under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) is to carry out a long term (ten year) forecasting exercise to provide coherent scenarios and technology roadmaps for nanotechnology applications in three important industrial fields: materials; health and medical services; and energy… “But these enormous benefits are… Continue reading EU NanoRoadMap to cover MNT, nanofactories

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