Tell NIST how nanotechnology could address a critical national and societal need

If you have a proposal on how nanotech could address a critical national and societal need, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) wants to hear from you.

Study of the FDA's ability to regulate nanotechnology-based dietary supplements to be released

How well prepared is the FDA to regulate nanotech products? Perhaps not very well, at least in the area of dietary supplements.

Centralized approach of Russia's nanotechnology program

Michael Berger at Nanowerk has compared the centralized strategy of Russia’s new nanotechnology program with the national nanotech strategies of other countries.

Texas invests in nanotechnology for delivery of anti-cancer drug

A startup company has now received a $3.5 million grant from the state of Texas to commercialize the nanotech delivery of a drug for cancer treatment.

Consortium for atomically precise manufacturing awarded $9.7 M to develop advanced nanotechnology

DARPA and a Texas fund have awarded $9.7M to investigate one nanotech path toward atomically precise manufacturing.

Postdoctoral associate sought to conduct research on the social and ethical implications of nanotechnology

An announcement of an open position from the Cornell Nanoscale Science and Technology Facility: Successful candidates will have a Ph.D. in communication, science and technology studies, or closely aligned social scientific field. Research experience and knowledge of social and ethical issues of science, preferably nanotechnology, is preferred. For the complete announcement:

Study to determine what happens to nanotechnology materials released to the environment

A new study will trace the movement of nanoparticles through the environment and determine their impact on health and natural systems.

US and European approaches to advanced nanotechnology implications compared

Government-sponsored discussions of the implications for society of advanced nanotechnology and other emerging technologies have taken place and are ongoing in both the US and Europe. A recent Nanowerk Spotlight written by Michael Berger gives an update of deliberations in Europe and compares and contrasts the US and European approaches. From “Europe and the U.S.… Continue reading US and European approaches to advanced nanotechnology implications compared

US citizens weigh in on nanotechnology for human enhancement

The Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University is one of two centers funded by the National Science Foundation to study nanotechnology in society. One of their tools for studying the impact of nanotech upon society is the National Citizens’ Technology Forum (NCTF). They have recently published the results of their National Citizens’… Continue reading US citizens weigh in on nanotechnology for human enhancement

US House bill would establish a prize competition for nanotechnology

H.R. 6661 establishes a prize competition for five key areas of nanotech.

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