Robo Habilis

One of the species of early hominids is named Homo habilis, meaning “handy man,” after their significant advancement in tool use over previous hominids. One of the goals of the AGI Roadmap is to chart paths to full human intelligence, and one of the paths might follow the one that evolution took. The Wozniak Test,… Continue reading Robo Habilis

AGI Roadmap meeting

Foresight’s mission is essentially an educational one.  In simplest terms we are here to point out foreseeable technological developments that not only will make the future different from the past, but make it different in ways that aren’t obvious and which everyone isn’t already planning for. Nanotechnology — true nanotech in Drexler’s original sense of… Continue reading AGI Roadmap meeting

Interview of Artificial General Intelligence Researcher Itamar Arel by Sander Olson

Interview of Artificial General Intelligence Researcher Itamar Arel by Sander Olson. on Next Big Future This is particularly apropos, since as I write I’m heading off to the AGI Roadmap meeting which Itamar has organized (and of which Foresight is a sponsor).

US General Counts 122 Lives That Bots Could Have Saved | Popular Science

US General Demands Robot Army, Counts 122 Lives That Bots Could Have Saved | Popular Science. It isn’t really clear from this story whether the “robots” involved or available were autonomous, teleoperated, or some combination. However, this story wraps up my reaction to a lot of techno-angst in a nutshell: Speaking at the Association for… Continue reading US General Counts 122 Lives That Bots Could Have Saved | Popular Science

Overcoming Bias : Prefer Law To Values

Overcoming Bias : Prefer Law To Values. Robin Hanson blogs on what kind of robots we’d want to live with in the future: The later era when robots are vastly more capable than people should be much like the case of choosing a nation in which to retire.  In this case we don’t expect to… Continue reading Overcoming Bias : Prefer Law To Values

Eliezer doth protest too much, methinks

Less Wrong: I’m Not Saying People Are Stupid. The real question isn’t whether people are stupid. The real question is whether people make decisions that matter a lot incorrectly. I claim that we’ve already, as a society, decided that they do.  We’ve replaced kings — human beings — with artificial rule-based decision procedures based on… Continue reading Eliezer doth protest too much, methinks

"Matter and Beyond" wins an Emmy

“Matter and Beyond” is a webcast / local cable program in New Jersey, and they won an Emmy for the episode about future AI and machine ethics. It featured interviews with, among others, your humble narrator: TV PROGRAM EXPLORING SCIENCE, ETHICS & SPIRITUALITY WINS 2009 MID-ATLANTIC EMMY AWARD SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY – Ebru Television Network,… Continue reading "Matter and Beyond" wins an Emmy

Yet More Thoughts on the Singularity Summit

There were talks by two of SIAI’s researchers, Eliezer Yudkowsky and Anna Salamon, on the general subject of producing a friendly AI as opposed to whatever the alternative is, presumably the Terminator scenario or the like. Eliezer did his usual thing on cognitive biases in humans, and Anna ended the conference with a very nice… Continue reading Yet More Thoughts on the Singularity Summit

More Thoughts on the Singularity Summit

Several of the talks at the Summit might be lumped together under the heading “AI — when and how?” The two main pathways were the synthetic approach, talked about by people like Juergen Schmidhuber, Ben Goertzel and Itamar Arel, and brain emulation, talked about by such people as Anders Sandberg, David Chalmers, and Ray Kurzweil.… Continue reading More Thoughts on the Singularity Summit

Thoughts on the Singularity Summit

Thoughts on the Singularity Summit Congratulations to the people of the SIAI for putting on an interesting, stimulating, really well-run conference. Note for those who weren’t able to be there, that the talks were recorded and will be available on SIAI’s website The following comments are not an attempt to explain the talks but… Continue reading Thoughts on the Singularity Summit

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