Videos from Convergence08 Unconference available

Jeriaska has made available videos of presentations from Convergence08, held on November 15-16, 2008 in Mountain View, California, to examine the convergence of NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno) technologies. Among those of special interest to Nanodot readers: Mapping a Cone of Uncertainty, Paul Saffo Convergence: Artificial Intelligence Panel, Peter Norvig, Steve Omohundro, Ben Goertzel, Barney Pell Convergence: Synthetic… Continue reading Videos from Convergence08 Unconference available

Synthetic ribosomes may prove useful tool for nanotechnology

The relevance of the ribosome to nanotech may be greatly increased by the announcement that synthetic ribosomes have been created and used to synthesize a complex protein named firefly luciferase.

Structural DNA nanotechnology arrays devices to capture molecular building blocks

Two independently controlled nanomechanical devices can be positioned on a two-dimensional DNA grid so that they can cooperate to capture between them one of four DNA building blocks, determined by which of two possible states each device is set to.


Once upon a time, or so the story goes, there was a young man who was hauled up before the court on charges that he had killed his father and mother. He readily confessed to the crime, but nevertheless pled for clemency: after all, he pointed out, he was an orphan. Recently on his blog… Continue reading Parricide

Optimizing hierarchical protein design for nanotechnology

New computational results reveal how the proper hierarchical assembly of smaller protein domains optimizes mechanical properties.

Update on promise of nanotechnology for radically extended life span

The January issue of Life Extension Magazine offers a report on the eventual promise of medical nanobots.

Error correction in nature's nanotechnology

The ribosome has a previously unsuspected method of error correction—in this case monitoring the fidelity of protein synthesis after the peptide bond is formed.

New organic synthesis to provide nanotechnology a way to make structurally pure carbon nanotubes

The synthesis and characterization of molecules called cycloparaphenylenes could provide nanotech with an efficient way of producing armchair carbon nanotubes of pre-determined diameter.

Nanotechnology provides new, improved walking DNA nanobot

DNA nanotech continues to improve the devices it produces as Oxford University scientists fix several shortcomings seen in earlier versions of bipedal DNA molecular walkers.

Will realization of the seriousness of climate change push the development of molecular nanotechnology?

The answers of 151 thinkers and visionaries to the Edge Annual question for 2009 have been posted. The question: “WHAT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING?” As phrased by John Brockman, Editor and Publisher, “What game-changing scientific ideas and developments do you expect to live to see?” In his answer, nanotechnology pioneer Eric Drexler points to a role… Continue reading Will realization of the seriousness of climate change push the development of molecular nanotechnology?

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