Conference to tackle ethics of nanotechnology and human enhancement

Conference to tackle what they claim is “the single most important issue in science & society in this century.”

Videos from Convergence08 Unconference available

Jeriaska has made available videos of presentations from Convergence08, held on November 15-16, 2008 in Mountain View, California, to examine the convergence of NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno) technologies. Among those of special interest to Nanodot readers: Mapping a Cone of Uncertainty, Paul Saffo Convergence: Artificial Intelligence Panel, Peter Norvig, Steve Omohundro, Ben Goertzel, Barney Pell Convergence: Synthetic… Continue reading Videos from Convergence08 Unconference available

Study of the FDA's ability to regulate nanotechnology-based dietary supplements to be released

How well prepared is the FDA to regulate nanotech products? Perhaps not very well, at least in the area of dietary supplements.

Prediction Markets Summit for 2009 announced

A “Call for Participation” for the first post-US election Prediction Markets Summit and Collective Intelligence Conference of 2009 has been announced.

Follow Convergence 08 on FastForward Radio

If you are unable to attend the Convergence08 Unconference this weekend, you can follow some of the developments on FastForward Radio. Christine Peterson and Stephen Gordon pass along this information: This weekend The Speculist will be presenting not one, but two editions of FastForward Radio, both coming to you live from the Convergence 08 Unconference… Continue reading Follow Convergence 08 on FastForward Radio

European conference focuses on nanotechnology as alternative to fossil fuels

Nanotech pathways to a sustainable energy economy are generating a great deal of interest in Europe.

Conference to develop proposal for a nanotech space elevator

November conference in Japan to draw up a proposal and timeline for a space elevator to be made possible through nanotechnology.

Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Revolutions to be Explored at Convergence08 Unconference

The Convergence08 conference ( on Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) technologies and their interactions will be held November 15-16, 2008 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Calif. The event will use an innovative “unconference” format to enable participants to customize the event in a highly interactive way. Paul Saffo, a Silicon Valley forecaster with over two… Continue reading Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Revolutions to be Explored at Convergence08 Unconference

Nanotechnology conference discount available to Nanodot readers

Planning to attend the National Nano Engineering Conference 2008, America’s premier nano engineering conference, November 12-13, 2008, at The Colonnade Hotel, Boston, MA? Nanodot readers can save $100 using discount code: VIP (Discount not applicable to one-day passes) when registering at The National Nano Engineering Conference 2008 (NNEC) is the premier event focused on… Continue reading Nanotechnology conference discount available to Nanodot readers

Singularity Summit 2008 to explore future of human technological progress

Foresight Nanotech Institute is partnering with the Singularity Institute and other organizations for The Singularity Summit 2008, to be held October 25, Montgomery Theater, San Jose, CA. The speakers include names that will be familiar to most Nanodot readers. A separate Emerging Tech Workshop may also interest many Nanodot readers. A few excerpts from The… Continue reading Singularity Summit 2008 to explore future of human technological progress

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