Do-it-yourself nanotechnology objects from DNA

Snowbird, Utah is the place to be for nanotechnologists on April 22-25 for the 5th Annual Conference on Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO08): Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices. Those of you who have attended Foresight research conferences will recognize a number of familiar names and lots of new ones. Mark Sims of Nanorex tells us that they… Continue reading Do-it-yourself nanotechnology objects from DNA

Nanomedical conference to feature advanced nanotechnology

There’s still time — barely — to plan to attend next week’s 1st Annual Unither Nanomedical & Telemedical Technology Conference in Quebec. Co-chair is Martine Rothblatt, PhD, of Unither Biotech. Speakers include these names familar to Foresight members, as well as many nearer-term topics: Tad Hogg, PhD — Member of the Research Staff: Hewlett-Packard Laboratories,… Continue reading Nanomedical conference to feature advanced nanotechnology

Nanomanufacturing conference: get your Foresight discount

SME has let us know that Foresight members get a discount to their upcoming Nanomanufacturing conference in the Boston area on April 22-23, which features three sessions of special interest: Understanding Nanotechnology, workshop led by Tihamer Toth-Fejel of General Dynamics, to cover topics including: brief history of nanotechnology, taxonomies and roadmaps, near-term passive structures, medium-term… Continue reading Nanomanufacturing conference: get your Foresight discount

World Economic Forum takes on nanotechnology

Nanowerk brings news that the World Economic Forum is both rewarding nanotechnology pioneers and taking a look at potential risks of nanoparticles. Excerpts: Over the past few years, the Global Risk Network team has released an annual report. This years’ report “Global Risks 2008” (pdf download, 1.6 MB) was published two weeks ago. In it,… Continue reading World Economic Forum takes on nanotechnology

Nanomachines to fight cancer at California NanoSystems Institute

In the postal mail today is the annual research report (PDF) of the CNSI, California NanoSystems Institute. Last month on Dec. 14 was the dedication ceremony (includes video) for their beautiful new nanotechnology building at UCLA. Thirteen projects were singled out for coverage in this year’s report. Our favorite is “Nano Machine Center for Targeted… Continue reading Nanomachines to fight cancer at California NanoSystems Institute

Molecular nanosystems: Where nanotechnology wants to go

Enough with the nanoparticles already — we want molecular nanosystems. Los Angeles will be the place to be this January when two powerhouse academic institutions come together to push forward toward this goal. Here’s the scoop, in full, as received by email: California NanoSystems Institute and Kyushu University Global COE Present Joint Symposium on Molecular… Continue reading Molecular nanosystems: Where nanotechnology wants to go

European futurists speculate on nanotechnology

As we head into the weekend, a lighter note: Did you miss the 4th European Futurists Conference in Lucerne in October? So did I. But now we can spend the holidays enjoying Quicktime videos and hear some forecasts that may surprise those who think Europeans are less future-oriented than those in Asia and the U.S.… Continue reading European futurists speculate on nanotechnology

Nanotechnology roadmap for atomically-precise manufacturing

An article in Small Times by Paul Burrows of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory covers the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems (TRPN) aimed at Atomically-Precise Manufacturing (APM), a joint project of Foresight Nanotech Institute and Battelle, funded by the Waitt Family Foundation and by Sun Microsystems. Some excerpts: The Foresight-Battelle roadmap aimed to address this “vision… Continue reading Nanotechnology roadmap for atomically-precise manufacturing

Nanotechnology to reduce testing on animals?

Most of us avoid thinking much about the testing of human products on animals to check for safety. It’s distressing and we wish there were another, better way. Nanotech should eventually make such testing entirely obsolete, and the early stages of this process have begun. You can hear the latest in London this May at… Continue reading Nanotechnology to reduce testing on animals?

Nanotechnology at Google tonight, thanks to MIT

As mentioned previously, tonight MIT alums geek out on nanotechnology in 15 cities around the US. I speculated that non-alums might be able to get in if they try, and sure enough, it seems that they can — at least in the Bay Area, where the event appears to have opened up to the entire… Continue reading Nanotechnology at Google tonight, thanks to MIT

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