Nanotechnology for health: 10-year EU-US perspective

A while back I offered to write more about Health and Nanotechnology: Economic, Societal, and Institutional Impact, a report from a conference convened with the cooperation of the U.S. Dept. of State and the European Commission, part of a series called Perspectives on the Future of Science and Technology, which has a ten-year time horizon.… Continue reading Nanotechnology for health: 10-year EU-US perspective

Webcast: Nanotechnology for health care in developing countries

The busy Project for Emerging Nanotechnologies over at the Wilson Center is having another meeting-plus-webcast, this time on February 27, noon Eastern time, on the topic of “Using Nanotechnology to Improve Health Care in Developing Countries”: What if doctors in Kenya could equip cells of the retina with photoswitches that can be flipped on, essentially… Continue reading Webcast: Nanotechnology for health care in developing countries

Psychoanalyst takes on nanotechnology

In the U.S., psychoanalysis has fallen a bit out of fashion. But in Italy, a psychonanalyst heads up their bioethics organization, Centre for Science, Society and Citizenship. A year ago, Professor Emilio Mordini presented on “Dreams, Hopes and Uncertainties in the Nano Revolution” at EuroNanoForum 2005: Nanotechnology and the Health of the EU Citizen in… Continue reading Psychoanalyst takes on nanotechnology

UK pulling ahead on nanotechnology matter compiler

The idea of a nanotech-based matter compiler began in the U.S., and we do some relevant computer modeling studies, but the U.K is pulling ahead toward actually building one. Twenty to thirty lucky researchers will gather on January 8-12, 2007, to brainstorm how to do this, after which the U.K. government will spend about US$… Continue reading UK pulling ahead on nanotechnology matter compiler

Beyond nanomanufacturing, Bottom-to-bottom nanotechnology

Those of you looking for insights on atomically-precise manufacturing may want to check out the Society of Manufacturing Engineers conference August 23-24, 2006 in Oak Ridge, TN: The Next Industrial Revolution: Nanotechnology & Manufacturing. In addition to plenty of coverage on near-term “top-down” nanomanufacturing, this meeting includes “bottom-up” assembly topics. Some speakers familiar to Foresight… Continue reading Beyond nanomanufacturing, Bottom-to-bottom nanotechnology

MIT takes on nanotech & energy

Alan B. Shalleck of NanoClarity LLC writes of the potential of nanotechnology to address energy issues, Foresight Nanotech Challenge #1: Nanotechnology is fundamental over the next 50 years to providing sufficient energy for a growing world and to protecting the environment in which we live. There is an energy/environmental storm gathering and we must pay… Continue reading MIT takes on nanotech & energy

Watch Smallscapes webcast by July 1

Frequent reader Jonas Ørbæk Hansen brings to our attention an archived webcast of the June 1 nanotechnology conference Smallscapes sponsored by Denmark’s Innovation Lab and iNANO and held in English. Includes speakers from Denmark, US, and UK. Watch it soon, as the archived webcasts of the talks will only be available for one month, and… Continue reading Watch Smallscapes webcast by July 1

Productive Nanosystems Roadmap meeting at Brookhaven Nat'l Lab

The Foresight/Battelle-sponsored International Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems working group will be meeting next week at Brookhaven National Lab in the U.S. The team is having good success so far, and new corporate or governmental sponsors can still join and participate. A conference is being planned for Spring 2007 to present the Executive Summary and… Continue reading Productive Nanosystems Roadmap meeting at Brookhaven Nat'l Lab

NGOs weigh in on nanogovernance

Judy Conner here at Foresight brings our attention to a new 55-page report from International Risk Governance Council, based in Switzerland, titled Survey on Nanotechnology Governance: Volume D. The Role of NGOs (400K pdf). Nine organizations are featured: five from the U.S. (CRN, Environmental Defense, Foresight, NRDC, and one I had not previously heard about,… Continue reading NGOs weigh in on nanogovernance

Nanopundits duke it out at National Press Club

Washington DC was the place to be today, for the Center on Nanotechnology and Society’s 1st Annual Conference on Nanopolicy and the Human Future held at the National Press Club. Much learned nanopunditry from both sides of the big issues. Sean Murdock of the Nanobusiness Alliance and John Sargent of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce… Continue reading Nanopundits duke it out at National Press Club

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