Nanotechnology for chemical and biological defense

Long-time nanotechnology trackers have assumed that nanotech will be useful for chemical and biological defense, and sure enough, at least one national government is exploring this issue. See the website for the Nanotechnology Initiative at the Special Projects Office at the Joint Science and Technology Office for Chemical and Biological Defense, which falls under the… Continue reading Nanotechnology for chemical and biological defense

French citizen panel: Nanotechnology is too technical reports on a citizens’ panel on nanotechnology held by the Ile de France region: Citizens find nanotechs ‘elitist’ A citizens’ conference on nanotechnologies in France found public information on nanosciences difficult to access for non-specialists. The report itself (PDF) is in French, but an Altavista automatic translation gives English speakers some limited access: Efforts… Continue reading French citizen panel: Nanotechnology is too technical

Sun's nanotechnology vision paying off

Those of you who have tracked nanotechnology for a long time know that Sun Microsystems was one of the first corporations to take an interest in the field, e.g., sponsoring the Foresight Conferences over the years, and more recently helping to fund the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems. Now that foresight, combined with their compatibility… Continue reading Sun's nanotechnology vision paying off

Blunt advice on nanotechnology investing

We at Foresight are often asked for advice on nanotechnology investing, which we are not qualified to give, so we refer folks elsewhere. Most sources of nanotech investing advice are boosters, so it’s also useful to hear from those taking another view. Over at Nanotechnology Now we get some unusually blunt comments from columnist Pearl… Continue reading Blunt advice on nanotechnology investing

Nanotube yarn targeted for nanotechnology exoskeleton

Speigel Online reports that nanotechnology work at the University of Texas is leading toward a nanotech “exoskeleton” for military use: Now the superpower’s military is hoping to profit from the findings of nanotechnologist Ray Baughman from the University of Texas. He has managed to develop chemically grown nanotubes, which are like tiny muscles. The microscopically… Continue reading Nanotube yarn targeted for nanotechnology exoskeleton

Ultra-dense memory device uses molecular nanotechnology and many others report a molecular nanotechnology achievement by a UCLA/Caltech nanotech team: A team of UCLA and California Institute of Technology chemists reports in the Jan. 25 issue of the journal Nature the successful demonstration of a large-scale, “ultra-dense” memory device that stores information using reconfigurable molecular switches. This research represents an important… Continue reading Ultra-dense memory device uses molecular nanotechnology

Nanotechnology hazard symbol misleading

We should assume that those participating the ETC Group’s nanotechnology hazard symbol contest are all trying to be helpful, and such a symbol may someday be of some use. However, of the three top symbols named as winners, the first one — by far the most vivid — has a real problem. First, see the… Continue reading Nanotechnology hazard symbol misleading

Live webcast: Nanotechnology in China

Nanotechnology in China: Ambitions and Realities (pdf) will be the topic of a live webcast on Tuesday, February 6, 2007 at 3 PM EST, sponsored by the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies at the Woodrow Wilson Center: A senior Department of Commerce official recently claimed that China is rapidly catching up to the United States in… Continue reading Live webcast: Nanotechnology in China

Nanotechnology movie: Walking molecule now carries packages

Alert reader Ron Zilm brings our attention to a nanotechnology research achievement at UC Riverside in California by Ludwig Bartels, originally a physicist in Germany but now in the UCR chemistry department: Walking Molecule Now Carries Packages Molecule walks in a straight line and carries a tiny shopping bag in each hand A research team,… Continue reading Nanotechnology movie: Walking molecule now carries packages

Video: See in the dark with nanotechnology

David Berlind of ZDNet, covering the Consumer Electronics Show, found a new way to “see” in the dark using nanotechnology: Look ma, no light! Nanotech is behind ultra-sensitivity of Planet82’s “Nano-Cam” sensor If you’re like me, then maybe you’ve been hearing a lot about nanotechnology but haven’t yet seen the benefits of it in any… Continue reading Video: See in the dark with nanotechnology

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