Radical Life Extension goes Mainstream

from the planning-for-the-long-term dept.
Forever Young: "Suppose You Soon Can Live to Well Over 100, As Vibrant and Energetic as You Are Now. What Will You Do With Your Life?" Writing in the October 13, 2002 edition of the Washington Post, Staff Writer Joel Garreau provides another example of the growing interest of mainstream media in radical life extension.

Who's opposing nanotechnology development?

from the getting-the-facts-right dept.
Senior Associate Mark Muhlestein writes to point out an ACM TECH_News summary "Big Risks on a Minuscule Scale" that, amazingly, labels Foresight Chair Eric Drexler as opposed to the development of nanotechnology: "The wide scope of potential nanotech applications makes it hard to determine the most dangerous risks, but opposition figures such as Eric Drexler and Bill Joy have envisioned doomsday scenarios in which nanobots either self-replicate and overwhelm the planet, or wreak havoc from within the human body."

MIT Nano Lab tools empower researchers

from the making-dents-in-hard-problems dept.
Nanotech Goes Mainstream, an article by Alexandra Stikeman in the October 2002 Technology Review, describes how "The new NanoMechanical Technology Laboratory brings a burgeoning field closer to the real world." The new facility at MIT is equipped with instruments like nanoindentors, atomic force microscopes, and computer workstations for running three-dimensional simulations of materials. These tools help researchers study materials across a range of disciplines and applications, including materials for hard disk drives, composites of biological and inorganic materials, and experiments to discover the mechanical properties of tissues and cells.

Laser allows NEMS device to work in air

from the tuning-tiny-sensors dept.
Nano-Machines Get Some Fresh Air, posted Oct. 1, 2002 to Daily inScight, describes work that could considerably broaden the potential uses of NEMS (nanoelectromechanical) devices. The researchers used laser light shining through a 2 micrometer-square piece of silicon suspended by a pair of 200-nanometer-thick silicon beams to allow the silicon to vibrate at a precise frequency in air, the way that it would vibrate in a vacuum without the laser light. Since a single bacterium or several virus particles stuck to the square would change the vibration frequency, this advance opens the way to developing NEMS devices as ultrasensitive biodetectors.

Senate Bill to fund ethical, social nanotech studies

from the mandating-foresight dept.
In the September 24, 2002 issue of the Nanobusiness Alliance E-News, F. Mark Modzelewski, Executive Director of the NanoBusiness Alliance, labeled the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act "the most important piece of nanotechnology legislation to date." In describing the bill, Modzelewski points out

The bill also provides $5 million per year for a new Center for Ethical, Societal, Educational, Legal and Workforce Issues Related to Nanotechnology, which will be required to track and research the societal, ethical, educational, legal and workforce issues related to nanotechnology.

IP in the emerging nanoelectronics business

from the grabbing-your-share dept.
Shootout at the IP Corral, an article by Sandra Helsel dated October 4, 2002, presents an interview with two IP specialists from the San Diego office of Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison, LLP, focusing on IP and patent protection for nanoelectronics. "Nanotechnology is new, and this means a lot of possible patent protection could be very broad…This is a time of great opportunity; nanotechnology is such a wide-open field right now. It's rather like a land grab in the Wild West."

Medical Nanobot Image Wins "Science Concepts" Prize

from the nanomedicine-art-goes-mainstream dept.
Nanotechweb reported on Sept. 24, 2002 that Nanotechnology picture scoops prize "A nanotechnology image has won first prize in the 'Science Concepts' section of the 2002 Visions of Science Awards. The image shows a nanomedicine application, in which a 'nano-louse' device administers treatment to red blood cells." [A larger version of the image.] The image was created by digital illustrator Coneyl Jay and the award was originally reported in the Daily Telegraph (requires free registration).

Mappng the Global Nanotechnology Business

from the field-at-a-glance? dept.
A Global Nanotechnology Map is available from D&A Hi-Tech Information. "The map will include the positioning of 229 Nanotechnology start-ups, corporates and other commercial organisations from all over the world, their agendas, leading research institutions, VCs and analysts in this field, alongside names of leading professionals and other important features." For information, contact Yafit Rossen, D&A Hi-Tech Information; Tel: +972-3-6130576 Fax: +972-3-6121897; e-mail: [email protected].

Nanotechnology Seminar at AAAS Annual Meeting

from the center-stage-at-the-big-circus dept.
Nanotechnology 2003: Big Things in Little Packages, a seminar at the AAAS Annual Meeting, February 13-14, 2003, Denver, Colorado, USA. Organizers include Foresight Senior Associates James Ellenbogen, MITRE; Richard H. Smith, Institute for Alternative Futures. "The intersection of physics, chemistry, engineering and biology at the nanoscale could lead to revolutionary approaches for medical diagnostics, treatment of disease, drug discovery, energy production, and computing. In information systems, circuits, connectors, displays, transistors and, ultimately, entire systems of 'nanosized' parts are being designed, and some, like fullerene-based transistors, are already being tested. … This 2-day seminar brings together leading researchers in this rapidly advancing field of research."

Making Patterns in Diamond

from the diamond-NEMS-parts? dept.
Gina Miller writes "Silicon Strategies reports in Diamond used to break the mould that a Japanese team has developed a technique to build diamond moulds for what it calls nanoimprint lithography (NIL) to try to print rather than image features on chips. The team uses an electron beam lithography system to produce sub-100nm patterns, and is 'currently preparing a paper describing techniques for patterning three-dimensional diamond moulds.' I guess that we will have to see the paper to know if they have a path toward making diamondoid machinery pieces."

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