Innovation vs. the Precautionary Principle

Discussions of nanotechnology held in Europe usually invoke the Precautionary Principle, which comes in various forms from the reasonable to the extreme. Ron Bailey of Reason discusses the extreme form of this principle in Culture of Fear: Dealing with cultural panic attacks, based on a recent conference. Excerpts: “At the AEI conference, University of Kent… Continue reading Innovation vs. the Precautionary Principle

Nanofood: independent guidelines issued

Given how the word “nanoparticle” is often defined, one could say that a lot of our food is naturally made of nanoparticles. But industry needs guidelines on which new nanoparticles are safe to put in foods and food packaging. Current regulations address such substances by chemical makeup, not size — and size makes a difference… Continue reading Nanofood: independent guidelines issued

AFM gets 100 times faster, takes movies at Georgia Tech

From Roland Piquepaille, a useful summary, with pictures, of exciting new results at Georgia Tech. Even if you’re not very technical, this one is worth knowing about. Read Roland’s full story, but here’s an excerpt: “Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have built a new device which is 100 times faster than current nano… Continue reading AFM gets 100 times faster, takes movies at Georgia Tech

Nanosurveillance to detect illegal drugs

From today’s Altair Nanotechnologies press release: “The president and CEO of Altair Nanotechnologies (Altairnano), today urged the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation to provide increased federal funding for nanotechnology, suggesting that the initiative could be compared to the man-on-the-moon or Human Genome projects… “As for the chemical/biological sensors, Altairnano continues its work with… Continue reading Nanosurveillance to detect illegal drugs

Team of 15 companies and NGOs call for nanosafety funding

A group of 15 companies and non-profit organizations today sent a letter to each member of the U.S. Senate and House Appropriations Committees, calling for an increase in federal nanosafety funding. While the National Nanotechnology Initiative legislation has included funding for creating new nanotechnologies, and for studying their societal impact, it did not mandate a… Continue reading Team of 15 companies and NGOs call for nanosafety funding

Live webcast on Green Nano this Thursday

Check out the Wilson Center website this Thursday, February 16, at 2-3 PM Eastern time for the first event of the Green Nano series, sponsored by the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies: “The GreenNano series aims to advance development of clean technologies using nanotechnology, to minimize the environmental and human health risks associated with the manufacture… Continue reading Live webcast on Green Nano this Thursday

Nanobio governance: exploring models for oversight

The report from the September 2005 workshop on The Nanotechnology-Biology Interface: Exploring Models for Oversight has been issued today by the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. In addition to the usual nanoparticle safety discussions, the report touches on bigger issues. From the press release: “The report also calls for more conversation about nanotechnology… Continue reading Nanobio governance: exploring models for oversight

Intro to biological nanotechnology

For a fun-and-easy introduction to biological nanotechnology, check out the Gulf of Maine Research Institute’s site on the topic. It includes coverage of some of the controversies. The site is a heavy user of Flash — those on dial-up connections may find it too slow. (Credit: Alan Lishness, the Institute’s Director of Innovation) —Christine

NanoChina: Free associate membership

NanoChina is a new website and service provided by the UK-based Institute of Nanotechnology. If you’re interested in tracking nano in China — and what Nanodot reader isn’t? — you can sign up for their free associate membership and get their e-newsletter at no charge. (Not to be confused with Also useful is the… Continue reading NanoChina: Free associate membership

CNS director on choosing a nanotech future

The new Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University has their website up. The Center’s director, David Guston, has some comments in his blog [links added]: “It is also this realm of Engines of Creation and “Plenty of Room at the Bottom” where scientists allowed their minds to take flight and speak of… Continue reading CNS director on choosing a nanotech future

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