Be a nanoanalyst & get paid for it

It’s not as fun as my job here at Foresight — what could be? — but Lux Research is recruiting Analyst and Senior Analyst positions based in NYC, SF, or Boston. Required for both: “Deep intellectual curiosity about emerging technologies…Fluency in spoken and written Mandarin or Korean is a huge plus; Western European or Middle… Continue reading Be a nanoanalyst & get paid for it

Atomic precision achieved in real-time protein imaging

Publishing in Nature, Stanford researcher Steven Block has produced an amazing new tool for the nanoscale, accurate down to one angstrom, or one-tenth of a nanometer. From the detailed press release: ” ‘This technical achievement will no doubt lead to new information about the molecular machinery that carries out basic cellular processes, particularly those related… Continue reading Atomic precision achieved in real-time protein imaging

Claim: China is now #2 in nanotech

From “China Moving Up in Nano World” in Smalltimes: “New findings from Lux Research Inc. say that trends in Chinese nanotech research have set the world’s largest nation on a course to challenge dominant nanotech players like the U.S., Japan, and Germany. “The company says that China’s nanotech efforts would have broad-reaching implications for issues… Continue reading Claim: China is now #2 in nanotech

Top 10 nano companies likely to go public

From the Sept/Oct issue of Nanotechnology Law & Business (subscription required), a piece titled “Top Ten Nanotechnology Companies Likely To Go Public.” In alphabetical order: Carbon Nanotechnologies, Insert Therapeutics, Konarka, Molecular Imprints, Nanodynamics, Nanofilm, Nanosys, Nano-Tex, Nantero, and Zyvex. Excerpt: “Zyvex unabashedly claims that it is ‘the most publicized nanotechnology business in the world.’ Founded… Continue reading Top 10 nano companies likely to go public

IP may be overvalued as nanotech success indicator

From Lawrence Gasman over at NanoMarkets, a thought piece on nanotech intellectual property. An excerpt: “Contrary to the beliefs of many, the pure IP model may ultimately prove hard to defend in the nanotechnology business. Nanotechnology provides a very wide range of materials and manufacturing platforms. This in turn, suggests that performance goals for nanoproducts… Continue reading IP may be overvalued as nanotech success indicator

NCI goal for nanotech: "eliminating suffering and death from cancer by 2015"

Wired News surveys current work on nanotech for cancer treatment: “It’s a space-opera scene we know by heart: The hero’s tiny craft faces off against the vast enemy ship. Now scale down the set a billion times or so, and replace Luke Skywalker’s X-wing and the Death Star with a clump of drug-bearing molecules and… Continue reading NCI goal for nanotech: "eliminating suffering and death from cancer by 2015"

New Nanotech Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers! Glenn is on our board. Sign up at upper right to get ongoing nano news from us. Keeping scrolling below to see much liveblogging from the nano conference last week.—Christine We at Foresight are often get inquiries from those who wish to invest in nanotechnology stocks and want advice. Unfortunately, we… Continue reading New Nanotech Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)

Investor's Business Daily quotes from Foresight Conference

J. Bonasia of Investor’s Business Daily gives a variety of nanotech perspectives from the Foresight Conference: “For now, green advocates appear to be cautiously optimistic about the technology. Many see it as a way to cut pollution and relieve human suffering. But they want to carefully assess nanotechnology as it evolves. ‘Nanotech is not understood… Continue reading Investor's Business Daily quotes from Foresight Conference

Nano portal to set price with Dutch Auction

For 60 days we can all use the new nanotech portal for free. After that, they’ll be conducting a Dutch Auction to set their subscription price. This is a gutsy thing to do, if carried out in a really transparent way. Meanwhile, I’d appreciate hearing what you find useful on the site, or what… Continue reading Nano portal to set price with Dutch Auction

Nobelist Richard Smalley, co-discoverer of buckyballs, dies

Howard Lovy and Rocky Rawstern bring us news of the death of Richard Smalley, who shared a Nobel Prize for the discovery of the buckyball. He was active in promoting the US National Nanotechnology Initiative and became an advocate of nanotechnology as a key approach to addressing the energy challenge.

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