CIA on nanowarfare: "we do have to worry"

from the worrisome dept.
TNT Weekly brings our attention to an interview of CIA Assistant Director John Gannon. Asked about misuse of nanotech, he says "…we do have to worry about what bad people will do with the same capabilities. And individual governments and the international community need to invest in an effort to understand the implications of these technologies and to take early steps to control potential adverse effects. I would stress that, in the area of new technologies, we do not pretend to know all the answers, which is all the more reason why we need to work together on these challenges. "

Webcast of Kurzweil image transformation demo

from the get-some-TED-for-free dept.
A message from the TED conference: "A FREE hour of the exclusive (impossible to get in) TED11 Conference FREE. Brought to you by Apple's QuickTime group and TED Conferences on Thursday, February 22, 2001 at approximately 8:00 pm EST/5:00 pm PST. [Foresight Senior Associate] Raymond Kurzweil, winner of the National Medal of Technology, in a dramatic, amazing and entertaining presentation complete with singers and dancers will premiere the first complete blurring and image transformation in an astonishing demo of the near future. (This will demonstrate absolutely state-of-the-art digital avatar technology.) This one-hour presentation is not to be missed. Go to for specific information on the conference. The webcast will be available by approximately 8 pm EST (5 pm PST) on Thursday, February 22, 2001. The page will be available then at Higher resolution and better quality video will be posted one day later." Read More for the full email.

1-click patent suit: Barnes&Noble win a round

from the what's-obvious? dept.

A federal appeals court declared that "BN has mounted a substantial challenge to the validity of the patent in the suit." The case has been sent back for further proceedings. The Internet E-Newsarticle is discussed on Slashdot, where "Artagel" gave a link to the court decision. Cases like this are defining what can be turned into intellectual property.

Bill Joy speaking in SF Wed. 2/14/01

from the but-will-they-relinquish-when-you-tell-them-to dept.
ChrisPhoenix writes "Bill Joy will be speaking about "Genomics, Robotics, and Nanotechnology: Science and Religion Converse on the Shape of the Future" on Wednesday February 14, 2001, 7:30 p.m. at Grace Cathedral, 1051 Taylor St., Gresham Hall, Rooms 150-250, San Francisco. Details are at They'll have panel responses from several scientists, a theologian, and an ethicist. The event is put on by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, publishers of Science) and by the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences.

After you go to the talk, come back here and comment on it! Personally, I'm very interested in whether Mr. Joy has developed any viable plans yet for enforcing the limitations he wants to place on technology. Chris"

Extro 5: Shaping Things to Come

from the ensuring-friendly-super-intelligence dept.

The February Extropy Institute Newsletter announced that Extro-5: Shaping Things to Come "will take place from June 15th to 17th at the San Jose Hilton and Towers in San Jose, California." It is intended to be a "solution-oriented conference" with extensive participation aiming "to come to useful, actionable conclusions." Themes are:

"TransVision 2001 will take place one week after Extro-5, from June 22nd to 24th, 2001 in Berlin, Germany."

UK Nanotech Degree

from the mastering-the-technology dept.
warlock writes " Cranfield University is starting what it claims is the first nanotechnology degree course in Europe this year, for those of you who want to check it out. I'd be interested in hearing what you guys think of this course." is now ready

from the portal-to-portal dept.
Jonathan Despres writes "Mr. Calin Plesa, President of Atomasoft Network, announced the public opening of, Atomasoft Network's second site. is a new portal devoted to the miniaturization revolution. offers a broad range of nanotechnological related information. The site delivers breaking news and provides the perfect opportunity for information exchange for the growing nanotechnological industry." There is also a related site NanoInvestorNews.

Preliminary Program for Foresight Annual Gathering

from the accelerated-memetic-evolution dept.

The preliminary program is available for the Annual Foresight Senior Associate Gathering, April 20-22 in Palo Alto: "Exploring the Edges."

Motley Fool has ongoing discussion of nanotech

from the nanonews-everywhere dept.
Senior Associate Brad Hein posts nanonews at his nanosite, e.g.: "The Motley Fool has a discussion board on nanotechnology at The Fool is a web site for education and news on investing. Generally, I've found their message boards to be pretty civil with a fairly good signal to noise ration." CP: Read More for an excerpt on the Foresight Conference from the discussion board.

meVC: nanotech potential is "staggering"

from the sounds-right-to-us dept.
Senior Associate Steve Jurvetson brings to our attention the meVC annual report, which includes coverage of their interest in investing in nanotechnology. meVC's website states that it is "the first venture capital investment management firm to provide all investors access to venture capital, a top-performing asset class previously open only to high net worth individuals and institutional investors.". The fund is connected with Draper Fisher Jurvetson, a corporate sponsor of this spring's Foresight Gathering. Read More for the excerpt from CEO John Grillos.

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