We found 121 results for your search.

New electron diffraction method for nanotechnology determines nanostrucutres in days instead of years

Automated diffraction tomography provides rapid determination of structure of zeolite to atomic precision.

Handling flexible parts in RNA nanotechnology

New computational method screens for small molecules that bind to RNA molecules that move through a variety of conformations.

Computational circuit built from 74 small DNA molecules (with video)

A biochemical circuit built from 74 small DNA molecules demonstrates an approach that may enable embedded control of molecular devices.

High-resolution structure reveals versatility of RNA nanotechnology

A high-resolution crystal structure of a small square made by self-assembly of RNA molecules reveals each corner of the square to have a unique structure.

AFM visualization of molecular robot moving along DNA scaffold (with video)

Researchers in the UK and Japan use atomic force microscopy to visualize a DNA molecular robot moving along a 100-nm DNA track.

DNA molecular robots learn to walk in any direction along a branched track

In yet another in a long list of improvements to DNA based molecular machines, DNA molecular robots learn to walk in any direction along a branched track.

Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming

The Seventeenth International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming will be held 19-23 September, 2011 at Caltech in Pasadena, California.

Advance could speed RNA nanotechnology

RNA nanostructures chemically modified to be resistant to degradation retain 3D structure and biological activity.

One-molecule robot to be presented at January's TEDxCaltech conference

A one-molecule robot capable of following a trail of chemical breadcrumbs will be presented at TEDxCaltech-Feynman’s Vision: The Next 50 Years.

FREE Webinar: Breakthrough Nanotechnology Companies

This talk will highlight several examples that you may not be following of companies with the breakthroughs to drive forward during the recovery.

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