Nanotech for poverty alleviation

With a focus on near-term nanotech, the Meridian Institute has launched Nanotechnology and Development News, a free daily service delivering news on how nanotechnology can help alleviate poverty: “Each day, you will view succinct summaries of the most pertinent information about the opportunities and risks nanotechnology may present for developing countries. Ā We provide balanced information… Continue reading Nanotech for poverty alleviation

Public comments open on EPA nanotech white paper

Now is the time to get your comments in on the U.S. EPA’s draft white paper on nanotech. An excerpt: “We are currently nearing the end of basic research and development on the first generation of materials resulting from nanotechnologies that include coatings, polymers, more reactive catalysts, etc. (Figure 2). The second generation, which we… Continue reading Public comments open on EPA nanotech white paper

Productive Nanosystems Roadmap: more info

Kathy White of ExtremeNano covers the Roadmap presentation last Thursday at the Foresight Conference, quoting Alex Kawczak of Battelle: ” ‘Our roadmap is going to encourage collaboration across many, many industries,’ Kawczak said. ‘We are shaping the future by providing the framework for collaboration that has the great potential to impact all industries in the… Continue reading Productive Nanosystems Roadmap: more info

Molecular tool for carbon transfer in mechanosynthesis

For the penultimate talk we have Eric Drexler, introduced by Bill Goddard as “grandfather of nanotechnology”. Topic is “Design and Analysis of a Molecular Tool for Carbon Transfer in Mechanosynthesis”. Name of the tool is DC10c. There are multiple paths forward toward artificial molecular machinery made of strong covalent solids. Slide shows stages of nanotechnology,… Continue reading Molecular tool for carbon transfer in mechanosynthesis

Zyvex: molecularly precise nanomanufacturing

Liveblogging the Foresight Conference: Just finishing up is Jim Von Ehr of Zyvex, introduced as a “rock star of nanotechnology” by Charlie Harris. His goal is molecularly precise manufacturing of products at any length scale. He is agnostic on the method. They just won an R&D 100 award, and have quite a long list of… Continue reading Zyvex: molecularly precise nanomanufacturing

Next up: Carl Kohrt, CEO Battelle

Keynote for today is Carl Kohrt, CEO of Battelle, the giant research organization that runs three US national labs. He is describing their alliance with Foresight on the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems, their own (large) Battelle Nanotechnology Innovation Network, how these relate to the Foresight Challenges, and his projections for what’s coming in the… Continue reading Next up: Carl Kohrt, CEO Battelle

Must-see gallery of nanomachine simulations

[Welcome Instapundit readers — subscribe at “Free Registration” in the right-hand column to get nanotech email news deliveries. –CP] From Mark Sims of Nanorex we heard about these seven nanomachine simulations, all on one web page and operating successfully despite the jiggling of thermal noise. The eighth graphic is a cutaway showing the internals of… Continue reading Must-see gallery of nanomachine simulations

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