Researcher describes method to allow AI systems to argue

from the Open-the-pod-bay-doors,-HAL dept.
Ronald P. Loui, Ph.D., an associate professor of computer science at Washington University in St. Louis, has described a method for using artificial intelligence that incorporates the ability to argue into computer programs. His work is initially focused on legal arguments.

Louiís article, "Logical Models of Argument," consolidates research results from the mid-80s to the present. It appears in the current ACM Computing Surveys.
According to a press release on Loui's work, A.I argument systems permit a new kind of reasoning to be embedded in complex programs. He says the reasoning is much more natural, more human, more social, even more fair. His proposal for A.I. argumentation is based on defeasible reasoning — which recognizes that a rule supporting a conclusion can be defeated. The conclusion is what A.I. specialists call an argument instead of a proof. Defeasible reasoning draws upon patterns of reasoning outside of mathematical logic, such as ones found in law, political science, rhetoric and ethics. Defeasible reasoning is based on rules that donít always hold if there are good reasons for an exception. It also permits rules to be more or less relevant to a situation. In this sense it is like analogy: One analogy might be good, but a different one might be better.

Single-molecule switching via conformational change

from the Molectronics dept.
Researchers led by Paul S. Weiss at Penn State and and James M. Tour at Rice University, report in the 22 June 2001 issue of Science have demonstrated single molecules that switch between "on" and "off" states, and then hold in a state for hours at a time. The function of their molecular switches is based in part on conformational changes — which happen when molecules alter their arrangement by rotation of their atoms around a single bond, effectively changing shape by moving or turning — determine how and when that conductance switching occurs in those molecules. Additional coverage can be found in this article ("Single-molecule computer switches advance", by K. Hearn, 21 June 2001) from United Press International.

As described in their report, they tracked over time the conductance switching of single and bundled phenylene ethynylene oligomers isolated in matrices of alkanethiolate monolayers. The persistence times for isolated and bundled molecules in either the ON or OFF switch state ranged from seconds to tens of hours. When the surrounding matrix is well ordered, the rate at which the inserted molecules switch is low. When the surrounding matrix is poorly ordered, the inserted molecules switch more often. As a result, the team concluded that the switching is a result of conformational changes in the molecules or bundles, rather than electrostatic effects of charge transfer.
Funding for the research was provided by the Army Research Office, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, and Zyvex LLC

Although the Science paper is not freely available on the web, supplemental data and images that show the single and bundled molecules switching on and off within the matrices, are available on the Weiss group website.

Researchers create custom RNA catalyst

from the RNA-World dept.
Researchers at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research have created a custom-designed RNA catalyst, or a ribozyme. The ribozyme can use information from a template RNA to make a third, new RNA. It functions with more than 95 percent accuracy, and most importantly, its ability is not restricted by the length or the exact sequence of letters in the original template. The ribozyme can extend an RNA strand, adding up to 14 nucleotides, or letters, to make up more than a complete turn of an RNA helix. The study also provides some insights into the possibility that RNA catalysts were important in the early evolution of living systems. The results are described in the 18 May 2001 issue of Science.

UK Universities receive nanotech funding

from the World-Watch dept.
The UK E4: Engineering website ("Little things please learned minds", 18 June 2001) reports scientists in the UK have received a boost of £18 million to set up new research collaborations in nanotechnology. The money will be split between two consortia with one in bionanotechnlogy led by Oxford University, with the Universities of Glasgow and York, and the National Institute for Medical Research. This collaboration also involves links with the Universities of Cambridge, Nottingham and Southampton. The other is in nanotechnology and is led by Cambridge University, with University College London and the University of Bristol.

Measuring dipole moment of single protein molecules

from the just-a-moment dept.
Researchers have devised a method to determine the alignment of a molecule's axis, the "poles" that govern how a molecule will interact with others. The advancement will help scientists and engineers predict the ways that atoms and molecules exchange energy, possibly enhancing solar energy devices or helping biochemists better understand proteins. The research, appearing in the 4 June 2001 issue of Physical Review Letters, shows how a tightly-focused laser employing a new kind of polarization can produce valuable images of individual molecules in three dimensions.
The new method takes a snapshot of a phenomenon called the "molecular dipole moment." This "moment" is an axis that runs through the molecule like a north and south pole, along which energy is emitted and absorbed. If two molecules are positioned so that their respective poles align, they are more likely to exchange energy. If they are completely misaligned, then an interaction is more difficult. The researchers hope the work may lead to control of the alignment to direct chemical reactions at the atomic level.

UC Berkeley team uses STM to measure single atom spin

from the in-a-spin dept.
A research team at the University of California at Berkeley has built a scanning tunneling microscope that can measure for the first time the quantum spin of an electronic state of a single atom, in this case an impurity atom embedded in the material. Previously, scientists have had to trap isolated atoms and zap them with a laser to measure their spin state. While the technique already has improved understanding of high temperature superconductors, it also can help probe the spin states of atoms in metals and semiconductors, as well as new materials such as carbon nanotubes or strontium ruthenate superconductors. The researchers also believe their work has potential application in quantum computers. It is thought that quantum computers could take advantage of two-level quantum states such as this to perform calculations far faster than conventional transistor-based computers, and in the process shrink the size of computers immensely. "One of the holy grails of solid state physics is to write and store information in just one atom," said J. C. Seamus Davis, the head of the Berkeley team.

More information is available on the research teamís website.

CSPO to examine nanotechnology and society

from the ambitious-projects dept.
The Center for Science, Policy, and Outcomes (CSPO) has chosen to focus on the societal impacts of nanotechnology as one of the projects in its program examining the public value of science for enhancing the benefits of new knowledge and innovation.
According to a very brief note on the CSPO website, "CSPO's Nanotechnology and Society Project will integrate social impacts research with nanotechnology research to create better linkages between research agendas and desired societal outcomes. The project will develop tools and methods to map and assess the societal implications of nanoscale science and engineering; enhance awareness of societal implications among both the public and the S&T community; and develop processes that can support actual scientific and societal decision making about the direction and application of nanotechnology."

Atom trap delivers single atoms on demand

from the single-minded dept.
PhysicsWeb reports that researchers at the University of Bonn in Germany have developed an 'atom trap' that can manipulate single atoms with sub-micron precision and can deliver them on demand. The device uses light to move single atoms around, put them down where they are needed and launch them into space at a specified speed.

Another brief report appears on the Nature Science Update website.

Technical Insights report on nanodevices

from the expensive-information dept.
Frost & Sullivan and publisher Wiley have issued the 2000 version of their Technical Insights report on nanotechnology, titled Nanodevices: Future Markets, Applications, and Technology . The report takes a look at research and investment in a wide variety of nanotech-related fields. You can view the table of contents at the Wiley web site. The report costs $US 2450.

The 1999 version of the Technical Insights report was reviewed in Foresight Update #39, and we can make a similar comment about the 2000 report: If you've got money to burn and no time to do your own research, or you work for some organziation that doesn't mind dropping $2450 to put this volume into its library, this expensive volume may be of interest. But one can find a much of the same information in other sources.

U.S. Army program looks at military nanotech applications

from the small-arms dept.
For a detailed look at what short-term applications the U.S. Army sees for nanotechnology, you can take a look at the proceedings of a Workshop on Nanoscience for the Soldier, which was held by the Army Research Office at the North Carolina Biotechnology Center in Durham, NC, in early February.

The work shop marked the start of a program announced by the U.S. Army to create a University Affiliated Research Center (UARC), with industry partners, to develop nanometer-scale science and technology solutions that could be incorporated into a soldier's gear. That could be a uniform that monitors a soldier's vital signs, or sends out an alert in the presence of toxins and decontaminates the soldier before any damage occurs. Or it could be a material that changes color to camouflage the soldier or protect him or her against ballistics.

An article on the Small Times web site provides a good overview of the Army program, as well those of other branches of the U.S. military.

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