Complex molecular machines system design could be sped up by integrating emerging approaches and advancements on the software and simulation-side. Some areas were highlighted by our 2022 workshop, some are entirely new. This two-day event invites leading researchers, entrepreneurs, and funders to put the pieces together and drive progress towards the original vision of nanotechnology: creating reprogrammable tools that can create individually specified chemical bonds at scale. Explore new opportunities, form lasting collaborations, and join us in cooperating on shared long-term goals of the Molecular Machines space.
Many areas within the molecular machines field could be sped up via advancements on the software and simulation-side. This two-day workshop invites a select group of specialists in software and simulation to apply their skills to help those tackling the challenges of constructing atomically-precise 3D structures, including pathways using chemistry, applied physics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and engineering.
An invitational group of scientists, funders, and institutional allies who cooperate to advance molecular machines, progress toward atomic precision for applications in energy, medicine, material science, and space development, and Richard Feynman’s vision of nanotechnology. This group is chaired by ForesightFellow James Cooper, University of Reading. This report gives an overview of our 2021 recorded seminars, including a favorite slide, and a link to the full written summary and recording for those who wish to learn more.
An interactive competition co-chaired by Prof. Fraser Stoddart and Dr. Melissa Dumartin, Northwestern Univ. A multidisciplinary group of specialists in target technical areas collaborated with those tackling the challenges of atomically-precise 3D structures and molecular machines to heal the Earth’s environment, revolutionize medical care for human healthspan and longevity, and develop materials with unprecedented properties and functions including sensing, computation, and actuation.
An interactive competition co-chaired by Tom Chi (Co-Founder, Google X), and William Goddard (Charles and Mary Ferkel Professor of Chemistry, Materials Science, and Applied Physics at the California Institute of Technology).
This fast-paced interactive competition is targeted at exploring new research projects that apply advanced computer science to the most pressing challenges in scientific research.
During this invitational meeting wide-ranging thinkers explore future research directions, form new multi-disciplinary teams, and speed atomically-precise advances relating to energy generation, transmission, and use reduction.
This meeting focuses on long-term prospects for revolutionary advances in medical applications based on improved precision in the control of matter, and speeding up research into that direction.
A private technical meeting focused on long-term prospects for revolutionary advances in energy storage, transmission, and generation based on improved precision in our control of matter.
The conference brings together many of the world’s leading researchers to stimulate interdisciplinary dialogue, productive research collaboration and technical progress towards beneficial nanotechnologies. Speakers include George Church, Dean Astumian, Art Olson, Gerhard Klimeck, William Goddard, Larry Millstein, Joseph Puglisi, Alex Wissner-Gross, John Randall, Leonhard Grill.
This conference focuses on the potential exponential takeoff of rapidly-developing technologies. Speakers included J. Storrs Hall, Ralph Merkle, Michael Anissimov, Paul Saffo, Salim Ismail, Brad Templeton, Monica Anderson, and many others.
Bench to Market: Idea Evaluation and Commercialization for Product-market Fit
The B.R.AI.N.S salon on Human Biology and Freedom
17th Foresight Conference: “The Integration Conference“
Foresight @ Google: 25th Anniversary Conference Celebration
Foresight 2010: the Synergy of Molecular Manufacturing and AGI
Productive Nanosystems: Launching the Technology Roadmap
Advancing Beneficial Nanotechnology: Focusing on the Cutting Edge
1st Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology: Research, Applications, and Policy
11th Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology – 2003
10th Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology – 2002
Ninth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology – 2001
Eighth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology – 2000
Seventh Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology – 1999
First ELBA-Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology – 1999
Sixth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology – 1998
Fifth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology – 1997
Fourth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology – 1995
Third Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology – 1993