V. Gladyshev, M. Moqri, V.Sebastiano | Quantifying Aging

Presenter Vadim Gladyshev Vadim Gladyshev is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Director of the Center for Redox Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Associate Member of the Broad Institute. Dr. Gladyshevā€™s lab focuses on studying aging, rejuvenation and lifespan control using a combination of experimental and computational approaches. He has published… Continue reading V. Gladyshev, M. Moqri, V.Sebastiano | Quantifying Aging

Reason, Fight Aging | Towards Biotechnology to Finally Defeat Cholesterol

Presenter Reason, Fight Aging Reason is co-founder and CEO of Repair Biotechnologies. He has been an active angel investor in the longevity industry since its earliest days, with investments including Oisin Biotechnologies and Leucadia Therapeutics. He is a long-standing and well-connected patient advocate for aging research, involved in numerous fundraising and outreach initiatives conducted by… Continue reading Reason, Fight Aging | Towards Biotechnology to Finally Defeat Cholesterol

Joao Pedro de Magalhaes | The Scientific Quest for Immortality

Presenter Joao Pedro de Magalhaes I am a scientist originally from Porto in Portugal but have lived in Belgium and in the US (Boston), and Iā€™m also of Spanish ancestry. Following training at Harvard Medical School, I am now a Professor at the University of Birmingham in England. My lab studies aging and longevity using… Continue reading Joao Pedro de Magalhaes | The Scientific Quest for Immortality

Bryan Johnson | Blueprint Rejuvenation Athlete

Presenter Bryan Johnson, Kernel Bryan Johnson is founder & CEO of Kernel, creator of the worldā€™s first mainstream non-invasive neuroimaging system; OS Fund, where he invested $100M in the predictable engineering of atoms, molecules, and organisms into companies now collectively valued over $6B; and Blueprint, an endeavor to achieve humanity and earth scale cooperation starting… Continue reading Bryan Johnson | Blueprint Rejuvenation Athlete

Matt Kaeberlein | Companion Animals in Geroscience: Challenges and Opportunities

Presenter Matt Kaeberlein Dr. Matt Kaeberlein is the Chief Science Officer at Optispan Geroscience and a Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Washington (UW) School of Medicine, with Adjunct appointments in Genome Sciences and Oral Health Sciences. Dr. Kaeberleinā€™s research interests are… Summary: Age is the greatest risk factor for most… Continue reading Matt Kaeberlein | Companion Animals in Geroscience: Challenges and Opportunities

Diana Guallar | Epitranscriptomics as Novel Players in Aging and Rejuvenation

Presenter Diana Guallar, CiMus Diana holds a PhD in Cellular Biology by the University of Zaragoza (Spain). Her thesis was focused on the study of epigenetic regulation of endogenous retroviruses in embryonic pluripotent stem cells… Summary: Diana researches epitranscriptomics – the epigenetic modifications to RNA and the defining step between DNA and protein translation.  Broadly… Continue reading Diana Guallar | Epitranscriptomics as Novel Players in Aging and Rejuvenation

Tony Wyss-Coray | Young Blood for Old Brains

Presenter Tony Wyss-Coray Tony Wyss-Coray is the D.H. Chen Distinguished Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences and the Director of the Phil and Penny Knight Initiative for Brain Resilience at Stanford University. His lab studies brain aging and… Summary: Age is the key driver for dementia.  70% of centenarians have some form of severe or… Continue reading Tony Wyss-Coray | Young Blood for Old Brains

Collin Ewald | Aging & The Extracellular Matrix

Presenter Collin Ewald Collin Ewald was educated at Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliches Gymnasium (MNG) Basel, Switzerland. After completing his bachelor in molecular biology at the University of Basel, he joined the labs of Joy Alcedo and… Summary: The extracellular matrix is incredibly complex and vital to understanding aging.  Collagen, a key component of the ECM, is the most… Continue reading Collin Ewald | Aging & The Extracellular Matrix

Justin Sonnenburg | The Gut Microbiome is a Key Lever on Human Health

Presenter Justin Sonnenburg Dr. Sonnenburg’s lab is interested in the basic principles that govern interactions within the intestinal microbiota and between the microbiota and the host. To pursue these aims, they colonize germ-free (gnotobiotic) mice with simplified, model microbial… Summary: The gut microbiome refers to the bacteria, fungi, and viruses that occupy our gut.  These… Continue reading Justin Sonnenburg | The Gut Microbiome is a Key Lever on Human Health

George Church | Gene & Cell Therapies for Age-related & Infectious Diseases

Presenter George Church George leads Synthetic Biology at the Wyss Institute, where he oversees the directed evolution of molecules, polymers, and whole genomes to create new tools with applications in regenerative medicine and bio-production of chemicals. Among his recent work at the Wyss is development of a technology for synthesizing whole genes, and engineering whole… Continue reading George Church | Gene & Cell Therapies for Age-related & Infectious Diseases

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