Multiple advances in de novo protein design and prediction

New families of protein structures, barrel proteins for positioning small molecules, self-assembling protein arrays, and precision sculpting of protein architectures highlight de novo protein design advances.

Rational design of protein architectures not found in nature

Computational design of proteins satisfying predetermined geometric constraints produced stable proteins with the designed structure that are not found in nature.

De novo protein design space extends far beyond biology

A fully automated design protocol generates dozens of designs for proteins based on helix-loop-helix-loop repeat units that are very stable, have crystal structures that match the design, have very different overall shapes, and are unrelated to any natural protein.

Foresight advisor MIT Prof. Marvin Minsky (1927-2016)

We are greatly saddened to hear of the death of Marvin Minsky, age 88. A pioneer in artificial intelligence, Marvin served as an Advisor to Foresight Institute from its earliest days.

Molecular arm grabs, transports, releases molecular cargo

A molecular robotic arm synthesized from small synthetic organic molecules uses cyclic changes in pH and other reaction conditions to grab and release a cargo molecule, and swing the cargo back and forth between the two ends of the molecular platform.

Single-molecule light-driven nanosubmarine

Each time a laser pulse actuates the cis-trans isomerization of a single carbon-carbon double bond, a single-molecule nanosubmarine made of 244 atoms is driven forward 9 nm against Brownian diffusion.

Generating hydrogen with single atom catalysts

Single cobalt atoms have been positioned in nitrogen-doped graphene to catalytically produce hydrogen from water almost as effectively as using vastly more expensive platinum catalysts.

Addressable molecular machines arranged in a porous crystal

Simple molecular switches based upon bistable mechanically interlocked molecules can be incorporated within pre-assembled metal organic frameworks and addressed electrochemically.

Overview of molecular machines documents recent progress

A review of molecular parts that act as switches, motors, and ratchets illuminates similarities between artificial and biological molecular machines and argues that useful applications are coming.

Another nanotechnology computer memory breakthrough from Feynman Prize winner

A novel nanostructured material based on tantalum oxide could make possible non-volatile crossbar array memories that store up to 162 gigabits in 3-D memory stacks.

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