Vote and comment on IMM/Foresight statement to President's Council

The U.S. President’s Council on Advisors on Science and Technology requested public input on a number of manufacturing topics including “molecular-level, atomically precise production.” Foresight joined with our sister organization IMM to produce a statement on Atomically Precise Manufacturing, now posted on the OpenPCAST site, with public voting and commenting still continuing, so join in the… Continue reading Vote and comment on IMM/Foresight statement to President's Council

Open Science Summit 2010, July 29-31, w/ Foresight discount

I’ll be speaking at the following event. If you miss the early registration rate, you can get 20% off regular registration with the discount code ‘Foresight’: Open Science Summit 2010: Updating the Social Contract for Science 2.0 July 29-31 International House Berkeley Ready for a rapid, radical reboot of the global innovation system for… Continue reading Open Science Summit 2010, July 29-31, w/ Foresight discount

Freitas awarded first mechanosynthesis patent

The winner of the 2009 Foresight Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology (Theory), Robert A. Freitas Jr., has now been granted the first diamond mechanosynthesis patent.  This is not just the first DMS patent but also, I believe, the first mechanosynthesis patent that has ever been issued.  Freitas is the sole inventor on this patent, which was… Continue reading Freitas awarded first mechanosynthesis patent

Berkeley gets Willow Garage robot to fold towels: video

Finally, the first step has been made toward the longed-for goal of a robot which can do laundry: Of course, this also gives us some idea of other formerly human-only tasks that robots are likely to take over in the next decade or two. Thanks to for bringing this to our attention.  —Chris… Continue reading Berkeley gets Willow Garage robot to fold towels: video

Free pass to SME Nanomanufacturing Conference

Once again, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers has donated one free pass to their Nanomanufacturing Conference to Foresight: April 14-15, 2010 — SME Nanomanufacturing Conference Hilton Phoenix East in Mesa, Arizona–001875-000007-nhome–SME- This includes free admission to one of the pre-conference workshops on April 13, including Understanding Nanotechnology, taught by Foresight Senior Associate Tihamer “Tee”… Continue reading Free pass to SME Nanomanufacturing Conference

Ave atque Vale

In case anyone wonders where I’ve gone, I’m resigning from Foresight for medical reasons (adhesive capsulitis — long and painful course of therapy) and to concentrate my few remaining neurons on my AI research.  I really wish nanomedicine had advanced further in the interim 🙂

Off to AGI-10

I’m on my way to AGI-10, the general AI conference, in Lugano.  If any readers are attending, let’s get together. Among other things, we’ll be unveiling a preliminary take on the AGI Roadmap (of which Foresight is a sponsor).

Merkle wins Hamming Medal with Diffie, Hellman

Foresight Institute Feynman Prize winner Dr. Ralph Merkle, perhaps better known to Nanodot readers for his nanotech work, has just won the IEEE’s Hamming Medal along with Martin Hellman and Whitfield Diffie: Thirty-five years ago, Martin Hellman, Whitfield Diffie and Ralph Merkle developed an easy method for sending secure messages over insecure channels. With the… Continue reading Merkle wins Hamming Medal with Diffie, Hellman

Hanson / Moldbug debate video available

The debate held at Foresight 2010 between Robin Hanson and Mencius Moldbug on the subject of futarchy is now online at Vimeo. Watch it online or download it: 1. Get a vimeo account by registering. 2. Option-click on the download link close to the bottom right on the video’s page 3. Wait an hour 🙂… Continue reading Hanson / Moldbug debate video available

Gada Prize update

We’ve had a fair amount of interest in the Kartik M. Gada Humanitarian Innovation Prizes, mostly from RepRap types. They pointed out that we had a slight incompatibility in the specification of the open source requirements with those of the RepRap community itself. We’ve changed the requirements to allow either BSD or GPL. To make… Continue reading Gada Prize update

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