Steering nanotechnology to beneficial uses

Sonia Arrison over at TechNewsWorld takes on the issues of genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and steering innovation toward responsible uses: “When we look at cells as machines, it makes them very straightforward in the future to design them for very unique utilities,” Venter told participants at DLD. Of course, Venter has often referred to the possibility… Continue reading Steering nanotechnology to beneficial uses

DNA in the lead for nanotechnology construction

DNA-based construction is one of the major contenders on the pathway to atomically-precise manufacturing, and Caltech has made an important advance in that direction. From New Scientist: A group at the California Institute of Technology, led by biomolecular engineer Niles Pierce, has created a DNA-based fabricator. This is a system that allows the team to… Continue reading DNA in the lead for nanotechnology construction

Future City Competition saves cities with nanotechnology

Nanowerk brings to our attention the Future City Competition, using SimCity software and sponsored by National Engineers Week, which this year is focused on nanotechnology and how to use it to prevent tomorrow’s urban disasters: Future City Students Confront Urban Disasters and Engineer Hope with Nanotechnology Seventh- and eighth-graders in the annual National Engineers Week… Continue reading Future City Competition saves cities with nanotechnology

Which presidential candidate for nanotechnology?

Nanodot readers in the U.S. may be asking, who should I vote for to promote nanotechnology? Good question! Your suggestions are welcome in the comments section. Meanwhile, see this post by Prof. Robin Hanson (inventor of prediction markets, formerly called idea futures) about a tool that could be used to find out more clearly what… Continue reading Which presidential candidate for nanotechnology?

Jurvetson on nanotechnology startup ecosystem

Our favorite nanotechnology VC is Steve Jurvetson, who is interviewed over at from India, which is affiliated with The Wall Street Journal. An excerpt: How are the elements of the nanotech start-up ecosystem different from other sectors? First, it is hard to find human talent because a lot of the really interesting breakthroughs happen… Continue reading Jurvetson on nanotechnology startup ecosystem

Speed benefits, reduce downsides of nanotechnology by Dec. 31

Only four days left to make your 2007 donation to Foresight, and help us complete our Challenge Grant. See the Challenge web page to see how close we are to meeting our goal. From the page: Please consider making a one-time donation, or renewing/upgrading your membership, to qualify for matching of your donation. You’ll be… Continue reading Speed benefits, reduce downsides of nanotechnology by Dec. 31

Keep Nanodot going for 2008: Help with Challenge Grant by Dec. 31

We hope you find Nanodot useful all year long. Now we need some assistance from our loyal readers: we have a Challenge Grant going, with every dollar you donate being matched one-for-one up to US$40K. But as of today we’re only about a quarter of the way to our goal. You can track our progress… Continue reading Keep Nanodot going for 2008: Help with Challenge Grant by Dec. 31

BlogTalkRadio: Pearl Chin on nanotechnology

Foresight president Dr. Pearl Chin was interviewed on nanotechnology by Stephen Gordon and PJ Manney on Dec. 16, and the show can now be downloaded for your listening edification. A brief summary appears on Phil Bowermaster’s blog The Speculist: Dr. Chin is excited about [the] medical advance that nanoparticles are making possible – particularly with… Continue reading BlogTalkRadio: Pearl Chin on nanotechnology

Nanotechnology roadmap for atomically-precise manufacturing

An article in Small Times by Paul Burrows of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory covers the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems (TRPN) aimed at Atomically-Precise Manufacturing (APM), a joint project of Foresight Nanotech Institute and Battelle, funded by the Waitt Family Foundation and by Sun Microsystems. Some excerpts: The Foresight-Battelle roadmap aimed to address this “vision… Continue reading Nanotechnology roadmap for atomically-precise manufacturing

$40K Nanotechnology Challenge Grant: Watch our progress

Foresight Nanotech Institute has received a large Challenge Grant, but to fulfill the challenge we need to raise $40K in matching gifts. You can watch our progress on the pie chart as we work toward our goal. Are you up for the nanotech challenge? Thanks to contributions like yours, we’ve been able to advance beneficial… Continue reading $40K Nanotechnology Challenge Grant: Watch our progress

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