Intro to productive nanosystems

As we enter 2006 our thoughts turn to the future: what can we expect from nanotechnology as it reaches its full potential? For a quick introduction, check out Productive nanosystems: the physics of molecular fabrication (pdf, 0.6 MB) by K. Eric Drexler, published in Physics Education. It gets quite technical, but even the less technical… Continue reading Intro to productive nanosystems

Free demo: Molecular design courseware

Many Nanodot readers would like to move their careers in the direction of molecular modeling and design, with the longer term goal of designing molecular nanosystems. But many cannot take time out to go back to school full time. What to do? Consider Molecular Conceptor: multimedia courseware claimed to be the equivalent of 70 hours… Continue reading Free demo: Molecular design courseware

Nanotech for poverty alleviation

With a focus on near-term nanotech, the Meridian Institute has launched Nanotechnology and Development News, a free daily service delivering news on how nanotechnology can help alleviate poverty: “Each day, you will view succinct summaries of the most pertinent information about the opportunities and risks nanotechnology may present for developing countries.  We provide balanced information… Continue reading Nanotech for poverty alleviation

Calif NanoSystems Institute annual research report now out

Check out CNSI’s 2005 Annual Research Report (PDF format) for summaries of the latest nanotech work out of this cutting-edge effort funded by the state of California. Projects that caught my eye: Powered Artificial Nano-Machines: Molecular Valves and Impellers Synthesis, Control, and Assembly of Molecular Machines Linear Artificial Muscles for Mechanical Nanoactuation Operational Nanovalves Powering… Continue reading Calif NanoSystems Institute annual research report now out

Public comments open on EPA nanotech white paper

Now is the time to get your comments in on the U.S. EPA’s draft white paper on nanotech. An excerpt: “We are currently nearing the end of basic research and development on the first generation of materials resulting from nanotechnologies that include coatings, polymers, more reactive catalysts, etc. (Figure 2). The second generation, which we… Continue reading Public comments open on EPA nanotech white paper

Watch Israel in nanotech

Nano-watchers will definitely want to keep an eye on Israel. Explore the Israel NNI website for details; here are some of their assertions on why Israel is and will continue to be a player: “Israel’s small size and limited financial resources are serious challenges, but Israel’s academic, business and government leaders recognize nanotech as a… Continue reading Watch Israel in nanotech

Feynman Prizewinning work explained

For a layperson’s explanation of 2005 Feynman Prize winner Christian Schafmeister’s work, see this piece in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “Taking this cue from nature, Dr. Schafmeister and his students have spent the last five years concocting their own set of 14 building blocks — the molecular equivalent of Lego pieces. “By his estimation, that’s enough… Continue reading Feynman Prizewinning work explained

Interview of Nanomedicine author Robert Freitas

For those interested in the longer-term applications of advanced nanotech to medicine — Over at, Sander Olson interviews (part 1 and part 2) Robert Freitas, prolific author of Nanomedicine and many other works on related topics: “…I immediately realized that medicine would be the single most important application area of this new technology.  In… Continue reading Interview of Nanomedicine author Robert Freitas

Productive Nanosystems Roadmap gets underway

While most Foresight Conference participants headed for home, the Steering Committee and Working Group of the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystem buckled down for some hard work to kick off the Roadmap process. We are extremely pleased to announce that Sun Microsystems has joined as a corporate sponsor of the Roadmap. It was especially helpful… Continue reading Productive Nanosystems Roadmap gets underway

Molecular tool for carbon transfer in mechanosynthesis

For the penultimate talk we have Eric Drexler, introduced by Bill Goddard as “grandfather of nanotechnology”. Topic is “Design and Analysis of a Molecular Tool for Carbon Transfer in Mechanosynthesis”. Name of the tool is DC10c. There are multiple paths forward toward artificial molecular machinery made of strong covalent solids. Slide shows stages of nanotechnology,… Continue reading Molecular tool for carbon transfer in mechanosynthesis

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