MIT takes on nanotech & energy

Alan B. Shalleck of NanoClarity LLC writes of the potential of nanotechnology to address energy issues, Foresight Nanotech Challenge #1: Nanotechnology is fundamental over the next 50 years to providing sufficient energy for a growing world and to protecting the environment in which we live. There is an energy/environmental storm gathering and we must pay… Continue reading MIT takes on nanotech & energy

Center for Nanotechnology Excellence opens in Moscow

As you read this, I should be arriving in Moscow (badly jetlagged) to keynote Interop Moscow. But I will also try to find the brand new Center for Nanotechnology Excellence here, which a June 11 story reports “officially opened last weekend.” As I write this, the only web coverage of the Center is in form… Continue reading Center for Nanotechnology Excellence opens in Moscow

Watch Smallscapes webcast by July 1

Frequent reader Jonas ƘrbƦk Hansen brings to our attention an archived webcast of the June 1 nanotechnology conference Smallscapes sponsored by Denmark’s Innovation Lab and iNANO and held in English. Includes speakers from Denmark, US, and UK. Watch it soon, as the archived webcasts of the talks will only be available for one month, and… Continue reading Watch Smallscapes webcast by July 1

Nano theory gains appreciation

Back when Foresight was started in 1986, nanoscale simulations were regarded as quite radical. They were still regarded as pretty radical when we set up the Foresight Institute Feynman Prize and included Theory ā€” often, simulation ā€“ as one of two categories along with Experiment. Those days are long gone. Science Daily reviews the critical… Continue reading Nano theory gains appreciation

Productive Nanosystems Roadmap meeting at Brookhaven Nat'l Lab

The Foresight/Battelle-sponsored International Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems working group will be meeting next week at Brookhaven National Lab in the U.S. The team is having good success so far, and new corporate or governmental sponsors can still join and participate. A conference is being planned for Spring 2007 to present the Executive Summary and… Continue reading Productive Nanosystems Roadmap meeting at Brookhaven Nat'l Lab

Nano's big future at National Geographic

Howard Miller brings our attention to a big section on nanotech at National Geographic this month (June 2006 issue). You can get a taste of it on their website, but for the main article, it looks as though you’ll need to get ahold of the dead-tree version. An excerpt from the description: A tsunami is… Continue reading Nano's big future at National Geographic

Help in learning nanotech

It’s hard for anyone to learn the basics and then keep up with the technical side of nanotech. To the ressue: the National Center for Learning and Teaching in Nanoscale Science and Engineering: NCLT is the first national center for learning and teaching of nanoscale science and engineering education in the US. Its vision is… Continue reading Help in learning nanotech

French nanotech center opening delayed by large protest

I had heard rumors and today at a meeting at the British Consulate here in SF I heard again that there was a big protest in Grenoble in connection with the opening of their new nanotech center Minatec, which appears to have been delayed to the next day due to the protest. There’s very little… Continue reading French nanotech center opening delayed by large protest

NGOs weigh in on nanogovernance

Judy Conner here at Foresight brings our attention to a new 55-page report from International Risk Governance Council, based in Switzerland, titled Survey on Nanotechnology Governance: Volume D. The Role of NGOs (400K pdf). Nine organizations are featured: five from the U.S. (CRN, Environmental Defense, Foresight, NRDC, and one I had not previously heard about,… Continue reading NGOs weigh in on nanogovernance

Sponges inspire self-assembly of nanostructures

Longtime Foresight participating member Richard Smith brings our attention to a piece at Technology Review by Kevin Bullis, the second page of which I was unable to access online (could only get a BMW ad instead), so the last paragraph below is taken from a paper printout (Update: second page is working now): One of… Continue reading Sponges inspire self-assembly of nanostructures

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