Nanotechnology: Activists throw baby out with bathwater

First, I should state that I yield to no one when it comes to caring about the environment. That’s what got me interested in nanotechnology in the first place, and a large part of why Foresight was founded in 1986 and keeps going today. So I was disappointed with the recent press release from a… Continue reading Nanotechnology: Activists throw baby out with bathwater

Nanotechnology to fight climate change

Most of us are somewhat-to-very concerned about climate change — how can nanotechnology help? Nanowerk brings our attention to a UK report (pdf) looking at how relatively conservative nanotech advances could make a contribution: The study concludes that nanotechnology is likely to have a significant positive effect on the UK’s green house gas emissions: “From… Continue reading Nanotechnology to fight climate change

Nanotechnology views wanted by EC, including on enhancement

In the process of preparing a nanotechnology Code of Conduct, the European Commission is requesting public input on a consultation paper. It sounds as though everyone is welcome to contribute. Being from Europe, the paper cites the precautionary principle, but goes further by listing some areas which may be too risky or unethical or rights-violating… Continue reading Nanotechnology views wanted by EC, including on enhancement

Nanotechnology and centrifugal force for clean water

Today I was privileged to serve as Co-Chair of the Clean Water session at the IEEE San Francisco Bay Area Nanotechnology Council‘s annual meeting “Nanotech: From Promise to Reality“. This year’s theme was Creating a Sustainable Environment. Our session’s first speaker was Olgica Bakajin of Lawrence Livermore, who is using carbon nanotubes to filter water.… Continue reading Nanotechnology and centrifugal force for clean water

Nanotechnology risk governance to include weapons

In the postal mail today was the paper copy of a 6-7 July 2006 conference report: “The Risk Governance of Nanotechnology: Recommendations for Managing a Global Issue” (link to PDF) held at the Swiss Re Centre for Global Dialogue last summer. This well-run and highly international meeting is the highest profile meeting to include consideration… Continue reading Nanotechnology risk governance to include weapons

Nanotechnology podcast: near, mid, and long term

Here at Foresight we like to present a balanced picture of nanotechnology, pushing for the benefits and heading off downsides. To do this, it’s necessary to discuss those nanotech downsides especially when someone asks about them. Earth & Sky asked me, and put the audio on the web: Upcoming, said Peterson, are issues of privacy… Continue reading Nanotechnology podcast: near, mid, and long term

Nanotechnology: Blobs, Shapes & Chunks must be treated differently

Ralph Hermansson writes about nanotechnology safety in today’s San Francisco Chronicle. He had interviewed me for the piece: Bacteria-proof forks and knives. Pants that never get stains. Computer chips with a considerably better memory, making conventional chips seem almost senile. Sports equipment made of materials that are much harder yet more lightweight than today. Science… Continue reading Nanotechnology: Blobs, Shapes & Chunks must be treated differently

Nanotechnology for clean energy, water: IEEE event

This Friday, July 6, is the deadline for early registration for 3rd Annual Symposium on nanotech put on by the IEEE SF Bay Area Nanotechnology Council. The focus this year is on “Creating a Sustainable Environment,” especially with respect to clean energy and clean water. As a longtime IEEE member, I’m glad to see the… Continue reading Nanotechnology for clean energy, water: IEEE event

Challenges of US/China nanotechnology

Just received from Steffen Foss Hansen is a paper by his colleague Evan Michelson at the Wilson Center on the tough issue of “Nanotechnology Policy: An Analysis of Transnational Governance Issues Facing the United States and China.” An excerpt: Due to the rapid pace of R&D, discoveries in nanotechnology could come in great, discontinuous leaps… Continue reading Challenges of US/China nanotechnology

Grueling nanotechnology policy interview pays off

The nanotechnology project over at The Wilson Center sent Steffen Foss Hansen, a PhD candidate visiting from his university in Denmark, here to Foresight to interview me for a policy project they are doing on nanotech regulation. Normally these kinds of things don’t seem very useful, but I have to make an exception for this… Continue reading Grueling nanotechnology policy interview pays off

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