Foresight Unconference on nanotechnology, advanced software, future technologies

Registration is now open to new and renewing Senior Associate members; cost for Senior Associate members to attend the meeting is $65. Space is limited. Join us! —Christine 1st Foresight Unconference to Be Held November 3-4 in Silicon Valley Event will explore nanotechnology, advanced software, life extension, future technologies Palo Alto, CA — Foresight Nanotech… Continue reading Foresight Unconference on nanotechnology, advanced software, future technologies

Nanotechnology: Enhancement goals for human body did a poll to find out what human body enhancements their readers would most like. The poll seems to be gone, but nanotechnology commentator Gregor Wolbring quotes it in his own column: Smarter brain (403 votes – 29 %) Wings (230 votes – 17 %) Breathe underwater (147 votes – 11 %) Stylish, furry… Continue reading Nanotechnology: Enhancement goals for human body

Visionary nanotechnology medical video now posted

For those of you with an interest in the longer-term, more visionary projections for nanotech and the human body, Gina Miller brings to our attention a new collaboration between herself and Robert Freitas, a 2007 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology finalist. From Gina, Foresight Senior Associate (you can be one too): Some of you may recall… Continue reading Visionary nanotechnology medical video now posted

Body-temperature ice via nanotechnology: see video

Researcher Alexander Wissner-Gross let us know of his and advisor Efthimios Kaxiras’s work at Harvard on modeling how to enable stable, very thin ice layers at body temperature. They modeled ice sitting on a layer of sodium attached to diamond, and sure enough, it’s doesn’t melt. It’s speculated that such an ice layer might make… Continue reading Body-temperature ice via nanotechnology: see video

Nanotechnology & more at Foresight Vision Weekend, Nov. 3-4

We are very pleased to announce the dates and location of the 2007 Foresight Vision Weekend, to be held November 3-4 in at Yahoo! headquarters here in Silicon Valley. We’ve learned that you demand a highly interactive meeting, so this year we’ll be experimenting with a new format including big chunks of time for the… Continue reading Nanotechnology & more at Foresight Vision Weekend, Nov. 3-4

Nanotechnology for personalized happiness measurement

Nanowerk brings us an interview from Chemical Biology about the use of nanotechnology for the measurement of happiness. Yoshinobu Baba, a professor of chemistry at Nagoya University and a director for nanobiotechnology research at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan, explains: Nanobiotechnology could be used as a measure of happiness,… Continue reading Nanotechnology for personalized happiness measurement

Nanotechnology to reduce experiments on animals

Here’s a cheerful note on which to end our week: Most of us would like to reduce the need for experimentation on animals, but the question has been how to do it without increasing risks to humans. Now nanotech is being considered as a possible route, in a new conference sponsored by IoN (there does… Continue reading Nanotechnology to reduce experiments on animals

Nanotechnology for life extension goes mainstream

Foresight president Pearl Chin brings our attention to an interview of Sanjay Gupta in Life Extension magazine. It sounds as though his new book Chasing Life includes coverage of nanotechnology. Excerpts from the interview: Turn on any television in the world—Beijing, Chicago, Tel Aviv, Rome, Los Angeles, or Tokyo—and you will find Dr. Sanjay Gupta… Continue reading Nanotechnology for life extension goes mainstream

Free webinar on Nanotechnology & upgrading the human body

We at Foresight like to speculate on the future of nanotechnology and the human body, so if you do as well, you’ll want to join the webinar this Friday, July 20 at 9 AM to 1 PM eastern time (US) called the 3rd Annual Workshop on Geoethical Nanotechnology. The live presentations, including audio, video, and… Continue reading Free webinar on Nanotechnology & upgrading the human body

Nanotechnology researchers speak out

The University of South Carolina has released a survey of nanotechnology researchers’ views on various nanotech issues. For example, most agreed that: Nanotechnology will draw more students into science, engineering and math than would otherwise have chosen to study in these fields. I think this is already true — after all, students have been reading… Continue reading Nanotechnology researchers speak out

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