FREE Webinar: Breakthrough Nanotechnology Companies

This talk will highlight several examples that you may not be following of companies with the breakthroughs to drive forward during the recovery.

Open Science Summit videos available

Video footage of conference focused on “Updating the social contract for Science”

Humanity+ @ Caltech

Redefining Humanity in the Era of Radical Technological Change, December 4-5, 2010, Pasadena, CA

Japan, Germany, S. Korea commercialize nanotech better than U.S.

Nanodot normally focuses on longer-term nanotechnologies such as molecular manufacturing, but we do like to keep an eye on how different countries compare to each other in nanotech and technology in general. Below is an excerpt from a recent Lux Research announcement; you can read the full PDF here: U.S. Risks Losing Global Leadership in… Continue reading Japan, Germany, S. Korea commercialize nanotech better than U.S.

Don't miss the Open Science Summit, July 29-31, in person or live webcast

TheĀ Open Science Summit on July 29-31 in BerkeleyĀ is looking better and better. Topics include OpenPCR, DIY biology, open source hardware, brain preservation, synthetic biology, gene patents, open data, open access journals, reputation engines, crowd-funding and microfinance for science, citizen science, biohacking, open source biodefense, cure entrepreneurs, open source drug discovery, patent pools, tech transfer, and… Continue reading Don't miss the Open Science Summit, July 29-31, in person or live webcast


Reading this essay by Peter Thiel, I was struck by an amusing (though almost certainly coincidental) parallel. Thiel mentions three areas in which people interested in freedom may manage to get out from under the thumb of excessive government: cyberspace, seasteading, and outer space. The parallel is to three fronts on which people are pursuing… Continue reading Mindsteading

Google to invest in nanotechnology

Google has started a venture-capital unit to fund new technologies, including nanotechnology.

Steve Jurvetson on nature's nanotechnology

Many thanks to the Forbes/Wolfe Emerging Tech Report for permission to reprint the following interview with Steve Jurvetson “Writing the Code of Life”, which appeared in their February 2009 issue. There aren’t many investors as sharp, quick or multi-disciplinary as Steve Jurvetson,Managing Director of Draper Fisher Jurvetson. His firm is a leading venture capital firm… Continue reading Steve Jurvetson on nature's nanotechnology

Free webinar on "Today's Pioneering Nanotechnology Companies"

The Society of Manufacturing Engineers is offering a free webinar on “Today’s Pioneering Nanotechnology Companies: The Race for a Trillion Dollar Market“, presented by Foresight Senior Associate Tihamer “Tee” Toth-Fejel. Today’s Pioneering Nanotechnology Companies: The Race for a Trillion Dollar Market A popular feature of SME’s annual NanoManufacturing Conference, now brought to you as a… Continue reading Free webinar on "Today's Pioneering Nanotechnology Companies"

Jurvetson on nanotechnology startup ecosystem

Our favorite nanotechnology VC is Steve Jurvetson, who is interviewed over at from India, which is affiliated with The Wall Street Journal. An excerpt: How are the elements of the nanotech start-up ecosystem different from other sectors? First, it is hard to find human talent because a lot of the really interesting breakthroughs happen… Continue reading Jurvetson on nanotechnology startup ecosystem

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