Cleanly placing atomically precise graphene nanoribbons

Atomically precise chevron-shaped graphene nanoribbons were purified after solution synthesis, cleanly placed by dry contact transfer on a hydrogen-passivated Si surface, imaged and manipulated by scanning tunneling microscopy, and covalently bonded to depassivated surface positions.

Atomically precise boron doping of graphene nanoribbons

The ability to dope graphene nanoribbons with boron atoms to atomic precision opens a range of possible new applications, from chemical sensing to nanoelectronics to photocatalysis to battery electrodes.

Addressable molecular machines arranged in a porous crystal

Simple molecular switches based upon bistable mechanically interlocked molecules can be incorporated within pre-assembled metal organic frameworks and addressed electrochemically.

Linking together small DNAs to build more diverse DNA nanostructures

Using the enzyme DNA ligase and small DNA strands as building blocks provides an efficient and less expensive path to a large variety of DNA scaffolds and other structures.

Toward advanced nanotechnology: Working solid state molecular shuttle

A molecular ring shuttles back and forth between two positions on a molecular axle held rigidly inside a solid state molecular lattice made from a metal organic framework.

DARPA announces new program on nanoscale assembly and integration

Register by Sept. 5 to attend a Proposers Day webinar on either Sept. 9 or 11 to learn the technical objectives of DARPA’s new “Atoms to product: Aiming to make nanoscale benefits life-sized” program.

Tunable Assembly of Nanoparticles for (Photovoltaic) Devices

Photovoltaics are an interesting case where atomic precision is not necessary to achieve potentially dramatic global impacts. Even an “ok efficiency” device that is easy to manufacture with reduced environmental hazard could have significant beneficial effects on energy resources and on device fabrication processes (which could, in turn, contribute to developments toward APM). The struggle… Continue reading Tunable Assembly of Nanoparticles for (Photovoltaic) Devices

Nanotechnology-based next generation memory nears mass production

Rice University’s breakthrough nanoporous silicon oxide technology for resistive random-access memory (RRAM) appears poised for commercialization.

Advanced technologies by design

Design and prediction are integral to Atomically Precise Manufacturing and its development. This is in part because fully functional APM can be readily explored computationally today, to levels of precision that cannot be experimentally developed today. In such a context, design is not just a resource but an approach. With rapidly expanding computational power, examples… Continue reading Advanced technologies by design

Carbyne: the strongest, stiffest carbon chain

Carbyne – a straight line of carbon atoms linked by double bonds or by alternating single and triple bonds — is the next stiff, carbon-based structure with unusual and desirable properties. It has been observed under limited natural and experimental conditions, is expected to be difficult to synthesize and store, and now has been theoretically… Continue reading Carbyne: the strongest, stiffest carbon chain

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