Nanotechnology competition: India vs. Singapore

Here’s a nanotech news item from the Financial Express (India) that shows the challenge that developing countries such as India face in their efforts to leapfrog over intermediate levels of technology directly to operating right at the cutting edge: Indian nanotech firm to move to Singapore Singapore, November 1: Bangalore-based nanotechnology firm Qtech Nanosystems has… Continue reading Nanotechnology competition: India vs. Singapore

Next hot job: Molecular engineer for nanotechnology

One of the cover stories in Machine Design is by Mark Sims, CEO of Nanorex, on nanotech molecular modeling in CAD (computer-aided design). For those of us who have already been tracking the field, the most exciting part is at the end: The software does not currently output data that could drive such machines as,… Continue reading Next hot job: Molecular engineer for nanotechnology

Nanotechnology particle paint kills drug-resistant bacteria

The Australian site InfoLink brings word of a new nanotech product from Australia-based company Nanovations: a silver nanoparticle-based paint which will kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The product is meant for hospitals and other facilities that have serious problems with infections caused by such bacteria. (Credit: Meridian) One problem not mentioned in the story is disposal and… Continue reading Nanotechnology particle paint kills drug-resistant bacteria

Advice for 5-to-10 year nanotechnology investors

Phil McCallister warns over at SeekingAlpha that some investors fall for nanotech hype: owever, investors have been burned (charred to a crisp actually) by the big Nanotech hype back in January of 2004. Remember that? George W. Bush signed the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act in 2003, and continued mentioning nanotech throughout the… Continue reading Advice for 5-to-10 year nanotechnology investors

Nanotechnology: Get an analyst job in San Francisco, Boston, NYC

Many Foresight members join partly in order to make a move toward a nanotech career. It’s not always an easy transition to make. But I just got an email from Lux Research — which bills itself as “the world’s leading nanotechnology research and advisory firm” — looking for Senior Analysts, about which they state: The… Continue reading Nanotechnology: Get an analyst job in San Francisco, Boston, NYC

Nanotechnology investing: the multi-decade roller coaster

As has been pointed out repeatedly here, the term nanotechnology is very broadly defined, and the various “nanotechnology indexes” that try to track nanotech stocks have a tough job, to put it mildly. To complicate matters, nanotech watchers distinguish at least four, and maybe five, different generations of nano, from passive materials to highly advanced… Continue reading Nanotechnology investing: the multi-decade roller coaster

Manufacturing with nanotechnology: NSF-funded report now out

The U.S. National Science Foundation funded a report on nanomanufacturing, carried out by the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences. Though an email announcement to participants stated that the full report is available free for download, all I can find is the 12-page abstract (PDF). [UPDATE: here’s the 75-page 1.9 MB pdf full report.] Two excerpts:… Continue reading Manufacturing with nanotechnology: NSF-funded report now out

Hotmail founder to build Nano City in India

Edward Iwata of USA Today reports that Hotmail founder Sabeer Bhatia has ambitious plans for India: The most ambitious project may be “Nano City,” a $10 billion, environmentally sustainable development unveiled in April by entrepreneur Bhatia and the Haryana state government in northern India. Modeled after Silicon Valley, Nano City will feature R&D and educational… Continue reading Hotmail founder to build Nano City in India

And the winner is…California, for highest nanotech venture funding in U.S.

The July/August 2006 issue of Small Times is now available (also as a 6 MB pdf), and includes statistics on nanotech venture capital in the various states of the U.S. The top ten (on page 38): 1. California 100.0 2. Massachusetts 29.1 3. Texas 8.1 4. Missouri 7.5 5. Michigan 6.6 6. North Carolina 6.4… Continue reading And the winner is…California, for highest nanotech venture funding in U.S.

Now *you* can sell NanoCeuticals™!

It had to happen: Royal BodyCare Inc., just renamed RBC Life Sciences Inc., has now enabled all of us to go into the business of selling nanotech directly to the public: About the company: “We are the first company in network marketing to incorporate Nanotechnology into our product line.” About NanoCeuticals™: “RBC Life Sciences®, utilizing… Continue reading Now *you* can sell NanoCeuticals™!

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