Israel to increase nanotechnology matching funds

From Webwire, news of an increased commitment by Israel to keep pace in nanotech: The Israeli government will increase funding for Israeli universities over the next 5 years to $82 million in order to strengthen their advanced research centers in nanoscience and nanotechnology, it was announced today… “We found that multiple donation matching can work… Continue reading Israel to increase nanotechnology matching funds

Live webcast on public views of nanotechnology

Tune in to the live webcast from the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies at Woodrow Wilson Center on Sept. 19, 2006 — either TODAY or TOMORROW for most readers — at 12:30 PM Eastern time (9:30 AM Pacific): “Public Awareness of Nanotechnology: What do Americans know? Who do they trust? Major Poll Findings to be Released“.… Continue reading Live webcast on public views of nanotechnology

Nanobots on The Daily Show

To close out our nanotechnology week on a lighter note: David Berube brings to our attention an irreverent video excerpt — The Daily Show: Future Shock – Robots! — in which Ray Kurzweil is interviewed on the topic of nanobots (nanotech-based robots). Also included is a profile of Mikey Sklar who has injected an RFID… Continue reading Nanobots on The Daily Show

Surprisingly, nanotechnology multimedia actually looks useful

We at Foresight see a lot of nanotech websites and books of limited usefulness, to put it nicely. For quite a while I’ve been getting ads for an online multimedia library on nanotechnology from Nanopolis, and ignoring them. Now for the first I dug around in their website a bit and am pleased to be… Continue reading Surprisingly, nanotechnology multimedia actually looks useful

Fun little movie on green nanotechnology

The Woodrow Wilson Center Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies has a cute short (8:25) movie posted in which Bethany Maynard interviews her dad Dr. Andrew Maynard and Dr. Barbara Karn on nanotech. Worth showing to kids, and even adults may enjoy it. The best part is when Bethany and her brother Alex apply mustard to her… Continue reading Fun little movie on green nanotechnology

Nanotechnology particle paint kills drug-resistant bacteria

The Australian site InfoLink brings word of a new nanotech product from Australia-based company Nanovations: a silver nanoparticle-based paint which will kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The product is meant for hospitals and other facilities that have serious problems with infections caused by such bacteria. (Credit: Meridian) One problem not mentioned in the story is disposal and… Continue reading Nanotechnology particle paint kills drug-resistant bacteria

Asia likely to lead in longer-term nanotechnology manufacturing

The Korea Herald carries a story on a forum in Korea on “Revolutionary Advanced Technology and Future Urbanism”. Researcher Eric Drexler explained the goals of nanotech software firm Nanorex and his views of US/Asia competition in productive nanosystems: Nanorex is still developing products that are expected to be available later this year…The idea is to… Continue reading Asia likely to lead in longer-term nanotechnology manufacturing

National security implications of long-term nanotechnology

The U.S. Navy’s Thomas Vandermolen looks at defense aspects of advanced nanotech in a footnoted paper over at Nanotechnology Now. He argues against a do-nothing strategy: Given MNT’s tremendous potential for both peaceful and violent applications, controlling it with a “do nothing” strategy is analogous to providing nuclear reactors to every country under the assumption… Continue reading National security implications of long-term nanotechnology

Now's the time to expand your nanotechnology library

Probably because I’m an IEEE member — see their Nanotechnology Council and journal — I’ve just received the nanotechnology book catalog from Wiley. This 16-page catalog shows that Wiley, long a leader in high-quality technical publishing, is probably the dominant force in nanotech books today. To save 20% on orders through October 31, 2006, use… Continue reading Now's the time to expand your nanotechnology library

Nanotechnology sensors raise privacy issues

The popular NSF-funded Earth & Sky radio series — “illuminating pathways to a vibrant and sustainable future for over six million people daily” — has been focusing on nanotech for quite a while now (see list). Most recently is an interview (description and download) looking at the question of nanotechnology-based sensors and privacy: As technology… Continue reading Nanotechnology sensors raise privacy issues

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