Software responsibility as model for nanotech?

Foresight ally Jeff Ubois has a new book out, published by Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Conversations on Innovation, Power, and Responsibility.  Yours truly is quoted.  An excerpt: Peterson suggests that a closer look at the software developers might provide some clues about responsible cultures of innovation. “If you really want to know how to create a sense of responsibility,… Continue reading Software responsibility as model for nanotech?

Life extension: taking those first steps

Longtime readers know that we at Foresight would prefer that our members, and Nanodot readers in general, actually live long enough to experience the benefits of molecular nanotechnology personally.  In that vein, we bring to your attention America’s Wellness Challenge, which I am helping as a member of their Social Media Advisory Board. If you… Continue reading Life extension: taking those first steps

The 2-millimeter dash

The 2-millimeter dash was a nanobot race held as part of the 2009 RoboCup Nanosoccer Demonstration Competition.  That was July; typically entry time, as for Robocup 2010 in Singapore, would be year end, but I can’t see any announcement for it on their page.  Does anyone know any more details?

Conference to tackle ethics of nanotechnology and human enhancement

Conference to tackle what they claim is “the single most important issue in science & society in this century.”

Early Retirement

Last week at AGI-09, I chaired a one-day workshop on the future of AGI. (“AGI” means Artificial General Intelligence, which is essentially what the term “AI” meant before 1980: the attempt to build a system that would be the equivalent of a human in its thinking abilities, displaying a robust ability to think, converse, exhibit… Continue reading Early Retirement

$40K Nanotechnology Challenge Grant: Watch our progress

Foresight Nanotech Institute has received a large Challenge Grant, but to fulfill the challenge we need to raise $40K in matching gifts. You can watch our progress on the pie chart as we work toward our goal. Are you up for the nanotech challenge? Thanks to contributions like yours, we’ve been able to advance beneficial… Continue reading $40K Nanotechnology Challenge Grant: Watch our progress

Brits take lead toward advanced nanotechnology

Earlier we expressed enthusiasm for the UK Software Control of Matter project, and sure enough, they have already made progress toward setting themselves an ambitious, visionary goal which is expected to be funded: We propose to create a molecular machine that will build new materials under software control. The output of the machine will be… Continue reading Brits take lead toward advanced nanotechnology

Now you can nominate nanotechnology as Grand Challenge

The U.S. National Academy of Engineering is requesting your input on Grand Challenges for Engineering over the next 100 years. This being Nanodot, we hope you’ll nominate nanotechnology. It’s a serious effort funded by $500,000 from NSF. From the MSNBC coverage: The comments will be winnowed down, then reviewed by an 18-member blue-ribbon committee headed… Continue reading Now you can nominate nanotechnology as Grand Challenge

Nanosurveillance comments from Arizona State, Bell Labs

Earth & Sky brings us comments on nanosurveillance: “Nanotechnology experts have suggested that nano sensors — tiny devices too small to see with the unaided eye and able to monitor sounds and physical conditions — could be put into paint and sprayed on a wall. “David Guston [Director of the Center for Nanotechnology in Society… Continue reading Nanosurveillance comments from Arizona State, Bell Labs

Nanotechnology and the communications frontier

InfoComm writes "The convergence of nanotechnology with the world of communications – nanomobility – creates a whole new industry segment for the commercialization of solutions. When combining nano-scale applications to the Personal Area Network ecosystem, for example, what type of products and services do you foresee in the market 5, 10, 15 years from now?"

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