Nanotechnology leading toward spin computers

Inserting a nanometer-thick insulating layer on graphene enables spin injection into graphene, a step toward spin computers.

Devices with atomically smooth surfaces could change modern electronics

High-performance metal-insulator-metal (MIM) diodes made possibe by controlling quantum mechanical tunneling through an ultrathin insulator could change modern electronics.

Surface properties of nanoparticles have profound effect on how cells respond

Gold nanoparticles carrying nucleic acids into a cell must have the nucleic acids tightly linked via covalent bonds to avoid profound, unanticipated effects on gene expression.

Request for public comment on National Nanotechnology Initiative's Strategic Plan

US National Nanotechnology Initiative wants your comments on its strategic plan.

Protein nanostructures stiffer than Kevlar

Self assembly of aromatic dipeptide into nanospheres stiffer than Kevlar may make possible printing stronger, lighter body armor.

Nanotechnology device harvests wasted energy

An energy cell containing a lead zirconate titanate cantilever coated with a carbon nanotube film uses nanotechnology to produce electricity from scavenged light and thermal energy.

Graphene research wins Physics Nobel for European nanotechnologists

Unique properties of two-dimensional arrays of carbon atoms promise both immediate applications and advantages for the development of advanced nanotechnology.

Donate your laptop time to nanotech R&D for clean water

Projects exist for aggregating personal computers into one large project for various worthy purposes, from space to biology research, some nanotech-related such a protein folding.  Now IBM has a similar project with the goal of developing nanotechnologies for clean water.  From In China, Tsinghua University researchers, with the help of Australian and Swiss scientists,… Continue reading Donate your laptop time to nanotech R&D for clean water

Single-atom sheet of carbon clears arsenic from water

We can get a hint of the power coming from longer-term nanotech by seeing what is being discovered today on how to use some of the new materials becoming available.  Many of us have been intrigued with graphene, a one-atom-thick planar sheet of bonded carbon atoms.  It’s no surprise that exciting applications are being found… Continue reading Single-atom sheet of carbon clears arsenic from water

Today's nanotech lets $400 camera see cancer cells

Frequent Nanodot readers know that our main interest is longer-term nanotech, but sometimes what’s happening today gets pretty exciting as well.  A quick summary  of recent advances in nanotech used to fight cancer appears in a Computerworld piece by Sharon Gaudin; some excerpts: Rice University said yesterday that when the nanoparticles deliver dye to the cell,… Continue reading Today's nanotech lets $400 camera see cancer cells

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