Nanobombs to fight cancer

Yet another new technique is looking promising for using carbon nanotubes to treat cancer. From Betterhumans, on work at University of Delaware: “When the UD researchers saw the explosions, they realized it might be possible to use the microscopic bombs to kill cancer cells. They recreated the explosions in solutions including water, phosphate and salt,… Continue reading Nanobombs to fight cancer

Nanotech podcast: Foresight on infoTalk

Whether you’re an experienced podcast listener or a newbie trying it for the first time, check out Foresight president Scott Mize on infoTalk — “Download the fresh voices of Silicon Valley” — hosted by alpha-podcaster John Furrier.

Nanotech vs. bird flu

From ” ‘Nanotechnology will undoubtedly be used in some form — either as a vaccine, a treatment, a delivery method for a drug, or as a means to detect, control or limit the spread of the influenza,’ Adrian Burden, CEO of Singular ID, told…Christine Peterson, founder of the Foresight Nanotech Institute, notes that… Continue reading Nanotech vs. bird flu

EU NanoRoadMap to cover MNT, nanofactories

From Cordis News: “The objective of the NanoRoadMap (NRM) project, funded under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) is to carry out a long term (ten year) forecasting exercise to provide coherent scenarios and technology roadmaps for nanotechnology applications in three important industrial fields: materials; health and medical services; and energy… “But these enormous benefits are… Continue reading EU NanoRoadMap to cover MNT, nanofactories

EU-funded Nanologue project has been busy

The Nanologue project looking at societal aspects of nanotech has been very busy since its launch last spring. See their Mapping Study (and Appendix) and Background Paper (and Appendix), also their presentation at EuroNanoForum. An excerpt from the Mapping Study appendix summary of a RAND report: “Molecular manufacturing and Nanobots: no breakthrough until 2015 but… Continue reading EU-funded Nanologue project has been busy

Get a job in nanotechnology

The montrously big employment website has a story on getting a job on nanotechnology, featuring, well, moi: ” ‘The good news is that you can come at nanotechnology from almost any technical direction,’ says Peterson. ‘The bad news is sometimes you need to go back to school.’ “Peterson, who counsels Foresight members on career… Continue reading Get a job in nanotechnology

1st Nanotoxicology Roadmap strategy published

To move forward with today’s nanomaterials, manufacturers need guidance on how to test for safety. The New York Times reports that first roadmap on how to proceed on this has now been published on the website of Particle and Fibre Toxicology [abstract], an online scientific journal. “The lead author on the toxicology report is Günter… Continue reading 1st Nanotoxicology Roadmap strategy published

NanoJury UK verdict overall positive

We bring you three accounts of the “verdict” from the citizen’s participation process NanoJury UK: one from Science and Development Network, one from Richard Jones, and one from Greenpeace UK. From the first: “A British ‘citizen’s jury’ has recommended that public funding in nanotechnology should prioritise long-term solutions to health and environmental problems. Commenting on… Continue reading NanoJury UK verdict overall positive

Nanoethics heats up

The field of nanoethics has just gained two new organizations, both quite ambitious: The Center on Nanotechnology and Society at Illinois Institute of Technology, is headed by Nigel Cameron: “the Center is taking the lead in agenda-setting for the ethical, legal and social issues raised by nano. Our unique network of civil society leaders brings… Continue reading Nanoethics heats up

$26.3 million for 7 Centers for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence

From Smalltimes: The U.S. National Cancer Institute has made first-year awards totaling $26.3 million to seven Centers for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence: UNC, UCSD, Emory/Georgia Tech, MIT/Harvard, Northwestern, Caltech, and Washington U. Wonderful program, but the name is a bit awkward: “Cancer Nanotechnology”. But not as awkward as the name of NCI’s main nanotech program: NCI… Continue reading $26.3 million for 7 Centers for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence

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