UK scientists use mechanical force to manipulate silicon dimers on a silicon surface as a first step toward automated atomically precise manufacture of three-dimensional nanostructures.
UK scientists use mechanical force to manipulate silicon dimers on a silicon surface as a first step toward automated atomically precise manufacture of three-dimensional nanostructures.
Will proposals to establish criteria for green nanotechnology foster growth of nanotechnology innovation?
Senior Associate Alvin Steinberg suggests that we portray the nanotech race as in part a security race involving quantum computing.
Research and Science Education Subcommittee Chairman Dan Lipinski (IL-03) expressed his strong support for the National Nanotechnology Initiative’s draft Strategic Plan, in particular its focus on ensuring that America’s substantial investment in nanotech research and development is turned into new companies, products, and jobs.
US National Nanotechnology Initiative wants your comments on its strategic plan.
Nanodot normally focuses on longer-term nanotechnologies such as molecular manufacturing, but we do like to keep an eye on how different countries compare to each other in nanotech and technology in general. Below is an excerpt from a recent Lux Research announcement; you can read the full PDF here: U.S. Risks Losing Global Leadership in… Continue reading Japan, Germany, S. Korea commercialize nanotech better than U.S.
Many of you will recall Bill Joy’s famous article in Wired called Why the future doesn’t need us, where he expressed concern about various technologies including advanced nanotech. Apparently he gave an update of his views on this in his talk for TED, viewable here. An excerpt: So if we can address, use technology, help… Continue reading Bill Joy on steering the future to lower-risk
Not able to attend the Open Science Summit on July 29-31 in Berkeley, California? We’ll miss you, but you can watch the conference live at: Put it on your calendar now! Or we’ll hope to see you in person, especially for the session where I’m speaking: “Safety and Security Concerns, Open Source Biodefense” at… Continue reading Open Science Summit to be streamed live
Foresight Feynman Prize winner Nadrian Seeman will share the $1 million Kavli Prize in nanoscience with IBM’s Don Eigler. From the SciAm blog by Katie Moisse: Donald Eigler from IBM’s Almaden Research Center in San Jose, Calif., and Nadrian Seeman from New York University will jointly accept the nanoscience prize for illuminating the basic units of… Continue reading Seeman, Eigler to share $1 million Kavli nano prize
The U.S. President’s Council on Advisors on Science and Technology requested public input on a number of manufacturing topics including “molecular-level, atomically precise production.” Foresight joined with our sister organization IMM to produce a statement on Atomically Precise Manufacturing, now posted on the OpenPCAST site, with public voting and commenting still continuing, so join in the… Continue reading Vote and comment on IMM/Foresight statement to President's Council