Nanomachines and molecular motors can make use of thermal noise

A theoretical study shows that although thermal noise cannot be used to produce useful motion by mesoscale or macroscale machines, it can be used by nanoscale machines without violating the second law of thermodynamics.

An expanded genetic alphabet could lead to more easily designed proteins

The demonstration that the process of DNA replication is more flexible than thought should make it easier to incorporate unusual amino acids into designed proteins, which might make it easier to design novel protein machines.

Nanotechnology greatly improves sensitivity of common medical tests

A new nanomaterial provides a three million-fold improvement in the sensitivity of common medical tests, potentially permitting earlier detection of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

Individual atoms resolved within nanoparticle comprising several grains

Current methods can image individual atoms in complex structures if the structures are crystalline, comprising many identical structures in a regular array. A new method resolves individual atoms in nanoparticles comprising several irregularly arranged crystalline grains.

New method to identify intermediates in protein folding

Tryptophan residues introduced at various positions in a protein chain identify folding intermediates that are too short-lived to be structurally characterized otherwise.

Advancing nanotechnology with protein building blocks

A variety of protein cage structures have been constructed by designing specific protein domains to self-assemble as atomically precise protein building blocks in defined geometries.

Foresight Institute at Space Frontier Conference

How and how soon will nanotechnology play a role in space commercialization?

DNA tiles provide faster, less expensive way to fabricate complex DNA objects

A set of 310 short single-stranded DNA tiles, plus a few additional short sequences for the edges, has been used to form more than a hundred large, complex DNA objects.

Carbon nanotube graphene composite improves downhill bike rim

Zyvex Technologies and ENVE Composites have demonstrated the superiority of a proprietary nanostructured composite in downhill cycling.

New Darpa program may accelerate synthetic biology path to advanced nanotechnology

Darpa has launched a “Living Foundries” program to bring an engineering perspective to synthetic biology to greatly accelerate progress through standardization and modularization.

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