We found 253 results for your search.

Testing and improving scaffolded DNA origami for molecular nanotechnology

In two different sets of experiments a German research group has shown that scaffolded DNA origami can be used to assemble complex structures with precise sub-nanometer positional control, and that constant temperature reaction can greatly increase yields and decrease production times.

Will realization of the seriousness of climate change push the development of molecular nanotechnology?

The answers of 151 thinkers and visionaries to the Edge Annual question for 2009 have been posted. The question: “WHAT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING?” As phrased by John Brockman, Editor and Publisher, “What game-changing scientific ideas and developments do you expect to live to see?” In his answer, nanotechnology pioneer Eric Drexler points to a role… Continue reading Will realization of the seriousness of climate change push the development of molecular nanotechnology?

Self-regulation comes to molecular nanotechnology

Arizona State University chemists have demonstrated a nanotech version of molecular self-regulation by designing a molecule that mimics the way in which plants defend themselves from an overload of sunshine.

Complex molecular nanotechnology systems to be built in Netherlands

It’s great to see ambitious goals being set in nanotechnology, like these “molecular mini-factories“. Researchers from a wide range of disciplines at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) will be joining forces in the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS). They will be investigating the exact mechanism behind self-organization, the principle behind all life on earth.… Continue reading Complex molecular nanotechnology systems to be built in Netherlands

Precisely controlled electron beam provides top-down approach to molecular nanotechnology

French nanotech researchers have used theory to increase the precision of carving with electron beams enough to remove individual atoms from single walled carbon and boron nitride nanotubes.

NSF: "Moving very fast" toward molecular nanotechnology

A wide-ranging interview of NSF’s Mihail Roco includes an opinion on the rate of advance of nanotechnology toward its more advanced stages: If you look toward the future, the field is moving very fast from studying simple components – like nanotubes, nanoparticles, quantum dots – to studying active devices and nanosystems. We are also beginning… Continue reading NSF: "Moving very fast" toward molecular nanotechnology

Ultra-dense memory device uses molecular nanotechnology

Physorg.com and many others report a molecular nanotechnology achievement by a UCLA/Caltech nanotech team: A team of UCLA and California Institute of Technology chemists reports in the Jan. 25 issue of the journal Nature the successful demonstration of a large-scale, “ultra-dense” memory device that stores information using reconfigurable molecular switches. This research represents an important… Continue reading Ultra-dense memory device uses molecular nanotechnology

Knighthood for molecular nanotechnology researcher

David Leigh, Richard Jones, and other alert readers report that Fraser Stoddart has been knighted for “services to chemistry and molecular nanotechnology.” From the UCLA press release: UCLA professor Fraser Stoddart, director of the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), who holds UCLA’s Fred Kavli Chair in NanoSystems Sciences, has been appointed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth… Continue reading Knighthood for molecular nanotechnology researcher

How a molecular nanotechnology bearing will actually move

Will Ware, whom you may remember from NanoCAD, has done the most accurate simulation and animation of a molecular bearing design to date. He explains: Using NanoEngineer-1 (see http://www.nanoengineer-1.com) and other open-source software, I have created an animated simulation of the molecular bearing design on page 298 of Nanosystems by Eric Drexler. I worked with… Continue reading How a molecular nanotechnology bearing will actually move

Nanofactories, molecular nanotechnology to be debated in UK

The Institute of Nanotechnology is sponsoring a nanotech debate at the Surface Science Summer School in the UK. Organized by Philip Moriarty of Univ. of Nottingham, topics to be debated include: Are nanofactories capable of manufacturing virtually anything with little or no environmental impact really just a few decades away, as some groups are claiming?… Continue reading Nanofactories, molecular nanotechnology to be debated in UK

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