Nanotechnology video from SME: Nanomanufacturing

The Society of Manufacturing Engineers, who’ve done two conferences focusing in part on molecular nanotech, now have a video on nanomanufacturing. The script is free, and so is a video clip with some images, so if the cost is an issue for you ($99 SME members/$280 nonmembers), you can get quite a bit just from… Continue reading Nanotechnology video from SME: Nanomanufacturing

Asia likely to lead in longer-term nanotechnology manufacturing

The Korea Herald carries a story on a forum in Korea on “Revolutionary Advanced Technology and Future Urbanism”. Researcher Eric Drexler explained the goals of nanotech software firm Nanorex and his views of US/Asia competition in productive nanosystems: Nanorex is still developing products that are expected to be available later this year…The idea is to… Continue reading Asia likely to lead in longer-term nanotechnology manufacturing

Now's the time to expand your nanotechnology library

Probably because I’m an IEEE member ā€” see their Nanotechnology Council and journal ā€” I’ve just received the nanotechnology book catalog from Wiley. This 16-page catalog shows that Wiley, long a leader in high-quality technical publishing, is probably the dominant force in nanotech books today. To save 20% on orders through October 31, 2006, use… Continue reading Now's the time to expand your nanotechnology library

Key to national success in nanotechnology: Integrated development

Nanostart Investments based in Germany has an interview with Eric Drexler in Issue 3 of their NanoStart! magazine (PDF). One topic addressed is how nations compare and how they can succeed as nanotech goes forward. In Q&A format, here’s an excerpt: Are there any major differences between continents and single countries with regard to progress… Continue reading Key to national success in nanotechnology: Integrated development

Nanotechnology design-of-the-month reaches 25,000 precisely-placed atoms

Our friends at Nanorex have done it again. You really should click through to see this new nanotech design in action. Click on the design to make it move: This worm drive assembly designed by K. Eric Drexler, Josh Hall, Ninad Sathaye and Mark Sims includes 11 components totalling 25,374 atoms. The animations below have… Continue reading Nanotechnology design-of-the-month reaches 25,000 precisely-placed atoms

Productive nanosystems on AAAS nanotechnology site

We’ll end the week on an upbeat note: It’s good to see the American Associate for the Advancement of Science ā€” AAAS, publisher of the journal Science ā€” covering long-term nanotechnology prospects on their EurekAlert website. An updated essay by Eric Drexler looks at “Revolutionizing the Future of Technology“. Excerpts: Why focus on productive nanosystems… Continue reading Productive nanosystems on AAAS nanotechnology site

Nanotechnology software enables students to design molecular machines

High school students in the COSMOS program were treated to an early version of the NanoEngineer-1 modeling software for atomically-precise nanotechnology. Foresight Director of Education Miguel Aznar reported to Nanorex president Mark Sims on the nanotech course results: Success! NanoEngineer-1 greatly enhanced my nanotechnology class. My students were excited to manipulate and simulate the world… Continue reading Nanotechnology software enables students to design molecular machines

Nanotechnology risks & benefits, near- and long-term, debated at IRGC

The International Risk Governance Council held a meeting on nanotechnology in Zurich on July 6-7, 2006, to review and critique their white paper on Nanotechnology Risk Governance (PDF). Normally such events are just about the risks of near-term nanomaterials, but not this one. The IRGC is looking at all sides: both near- and long-term nanotechnology… Continue reading Nanotechnology risks & benefits, near- and long-term, debated at IRGC

Beyond nanomanufacturing, Bottom-to-bottom nanotechnology

Those of you looking for insights on atomically-precise manufacturing may want to check out the Society of Manufacturing Engineers conference August 23-24, 2006 in Oak Ridge, TN: The Next Industrial Revolution: Nanotechnology & Manufacturing. In addition to plenty of coverage on near-term “top-down” nanomanufacturing, this meeting includes “bottom-up” assembly topics. Some speakers familiar to Foresight… Continue reading Beyond nanomanufacturing, Bottom-to-bottom nanotechnology

Highlights of President's 2007 report on the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative

Of course most Nanodot readers will want to study this 76-page report (PDF) in great detail, but for the few who don’t quite get around to this task, here are some of the more ambitious parts: In the section on 2006 and 2007 Activities by Agency, NIST says they will continue to “devise ways to… Continue reading Highlights of President's 2007 report on the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative

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