Tutorial review of the promise of artificial molecular machines

A tutorial review addresses the distinction between the many simple artificial molecular devices that are currently available and truly effective artificial molecular machines that would mimic the ubiquitous molecular machines present in living systems.

Lecture by Eric Drexler at Oxford on physical law and the future of nanotechnology (video)

In a lecture at Oxford Eric Drexler argued that atomically precise manufacturing will be the next great revolution in the material basis of civilization, and discussed how we can establish reliable knowledge about key aspects of such technologies.

Green Nanotechnology Roadmap Highlights Opportunities and Challenges

A green nanotechnology roadmap released by the American Chemical Society describes the opportunities and barriers to developing commercial applications of nanomaterials that present little threat of harm to health and the environment, and concludes with an action agenda to more forward.

A modular molecular composite nanosystem for solar power

A bacterial virus called M13 was genetically engineered to control the arrangement of carbon nanotubes, improving solar-cell efficiency by nearly one-third.

New software aids design of 3-D DNA structures

New software for scaffolded DNA origami makes it easier to predict what shape will result from a given DNA template.

Much faster directed evolution of proteins could speed development of molecular machine systems

Phage-assisted continuous evolution of proteins is roughly a hundred times faster than conventional laboratory evolution of proteins, perhaps speeding the development of components for molecular machine systems.

Bottom Up as a next step within Top Down

Using proprietary block co-polymer technology, directed self-assembly allows adding block co-polymers that assemble themselves into regular arrays on the surface of a silicon wafer that had been patterned using lithography.

AFM visualization of molecular robot moving along DNA scaffold (with video)

Researchers in the UK and Japan use atomic force microscopy to visualize a DNA molecular robot moving along a 100-nm DNA track.

Debate: "How do we get there from here?" at SME nano conference

Here we present a special report from Dave Conz of ASU on Josh Hall’s talk and subsequent panel discussion at the SME nanotech conference.  An excerpt: Technoscientific development is difficult to direct and nearly impossible to predict.  Because of this – not in spite of it – panel discussions like “How Do We Get There… Continue reading Debate: "How do we get there from here?" at SME nano conference

Matterhorn sculpture demos 3D patterning at 15 nm level (IBM video)

PhysOrg.com brings news and a video of a new 3D patterning technique from IBM that reaches down to 15 nm resolution which “could go even smaller”: IBM Research in Zurich has demonstrated a new nanoscale patterning technique that could replace electron beam lithography (EBL). The demonstration carved a 1:5 billion scale three-dimensional model of the… Continue reading Matterhorn sculpture demos 3D patterning at 15 nm level (IBM video)

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