Making computers more error prone could make them much faster and more powerful

MIT computer scientist Joseph Bates is featured in Business Week as an innovator working to make computers much faster and more powerful by letting the computer make estimates instead of making precise calculations for all steps.

More on first programmable nanoprocessor

James C. Ellenbogen writes to provide insight and personal perspective on the world’s first programmable nanoprocessor, achieved as the product of a collaboration between Harvard and MITRE, with the team at MITRE comprising Shamik Das, James Klemic, and Ellenbogen.

Improved fuel cell catalyst combines graphene and nanoparticles

Combining nanoparticles and graphene with platinum produces more efficient and durable catalyst for fuel cells.

First programmable nanowire circuits for nanoprocessors

Researchers at Harvard and MITRE have produced the world’s first programmable nanoprocessor

Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology Awarded by Foresight Institute

Palo Alto, CA – December 20, 2010 – The Foresight Institute, a nanotechnology education and public policy think tank based in Palo Alto, has announced the winners of the prestigious 2010 Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology. Established in 1993 in honor of Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman, two $5,000 prizes are awarded in two… Continue reading Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology Awarded by Foresight Institute

New book addresses nanotechnology education and workforce training

A book on nanotechnology education and workforce training written by Judith Light Feather and Miguel Aznar

Foresight's student award-winners go on to great things

Foresight Research Analyst and Technical Editor James Lewis has tracked the careers of those receiving Foresight’s student award.  Here are his findings on the careers of a few of these gifted young researchers: We at Foresight find it gratifying to track the subsequent careers of those who have won our nanotechnology-related prizes and awards, in… Continue reading Foresight's student award-winners go on to great things

Willow Garage reaches robotic milestone involving beer (video)

Finishing off the week on a fun note, we see that robotic firm Willow Garage — of special interest to Foresight due to their emphasis on open source — has achieved an important milestone in robotics: namely, the ability for a robot to fetch a beer from the fridge and deliver it. It’s worth seeing… Continue reading Willow Garage reaches robotic milestone involving beer (video)

Seeman, Eigler to share $1 million Kavli nano prize

Foresight Feynman Prize winner Nadrian Seeman will share the $1 million Kavli Prize in nanoscience with IBM’s Don Eigler.  From the SciAm blog by Katie Moisse: Donald Eigler from IBM’s Almaden Research Center in San Jose, Calif., and Nadrian Seeman from New York University will jointly accept the nanoscience prize for illuminating the basic units of… Continue reading Seeman, Eigler to share $1 million Kavli nano prize

Freitas awarded first mechanosynthesis patent

The winner of the 2009 Foresight Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology (Theory), Robert A. Freitas Jr., has now been granted the first diamond mechanosynthesis patent.  This is not just the first DMS patent but also, I believe, the first mechanosynthesis patent that has ever been issued.  Freitas is the sole inventor on this patent, which was… Continue reading Freitas awarded first mechanosynthesis patent

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