Arthur Kantrowitz, 1913-2008, Foresight Advisor

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Prof. Arthur Kantrowitz, a founding Advisor of Foresight Institute and an early supporter of molecular nanotechnology concepts when they were first developed at MIT in the late 1970s by then-student K. Eric Drexler. Arthur was an amazingly innovative scientist and technologist, as described in… Continue reading Arthur Kantrowitz, 1913-2008, Foresight Advisor

Follow Convergence 08 on FastForward Radio

If you are unable to attend the Convergence08 Unconference this weekend, you can follow some of the developments on FastForward Radio. Christine Peterson and Stephen Gordon pass along this information: This weekend The Speculist will be presenting not one, but two editions of FastForward Radio, both coming to you live from the Convergence 08 Unconference… Continue reading Follow Convergence 08 on FastForward Radio

Defining international standards for nanotechnology

You might think that by now the definitions of terms like “nanotechnology” and “nanosystems” would be firmly established. In fact the process of arriving at an international consensus is more difficult than you might expect. Representing Foresight in the effort to define these and other terms is David R. Forrest, Ph.D., President of the Institute… Continue reading Defining international standards for nanotechnology

Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Revolutions to be Explored at Convergence08 Unconference

The Convergence08 conference ( on Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) technologies and their interactions will be held November 15-16, 2008 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Calif. The event will use an innovative “unconference” format to enable participants to customize the event in a highly interactive way. Paul Saffo, a Silicon Valley forecaster with over two… Continue reading Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Revolutions to be Explored at Convergence08 Unconference

Singularity Summit 2008 to explore future of human technological progress

Foresight Nanotech Institute is partnering with the Singularity Institute and other organizations for The Singularity Summit 2008, to be held October 25, Montgomery Theater, San Jose, CA. The speakers include names that will be familiar to most Nanodot readers. A separate Emerging Tech Workshop may also interest many Nanodot readers. A few excerpts from The… Continue reading Singularity Summit 2008 to explore future of human technological progress

Panel to discuss productive nanosystems Sunday night

Sunday, May 18th at 7:00 PM Pacific / 10:00 PM Eastern, FastForward Radio will feature a distinguished panel discussing the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems. The panel will discuss the background and history of the roadmap, and explore how it will serve to help realize these horizons. The panelists are: Christine Peterson, Acting President of… Continue reading Panel to discuss productive nanosystems Sunday night

Nanotechnology experts comment on Roadmap for atomically precise manufacturing

Below are comments from nanotechnology experts on yesterday’s release of the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems, a new roadmap for development of atomically precise manufacturing from Battelle and Foresight: Jim Von Ehr, CEO, Zyvex Labs “For the first time, progress across all key nanoscale disciplines has been brought together into R&D pathways leading to atomically-precise… Continue reading Nanotechnology experts comment on Roadmap for atomically precise manufacturing

Nanotechnology Roadmap for Atomically Precise Manufacturing Now Available

Dear Foresight members and friends: It is with great pleasure that we announce the availability of the first Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems. Some of you have seen earlier drafts, but the document is now official. Files can be downloaded at: Below is the text of the press release going out today. We look… Continue reading Nanotechnology Roadmap for Atomically Precise Manufacturing Now Available

Speed benefits, reduce downsides of nanotechnology by Dec. 31

Only four days left to make your 2007 donation to Foresight, and help us complete our Challenge Grant. See the Challenge web page to see how close we are to meeting our goal. From the page: Please consider making a one-time donation, or renewing/upgrading your membership, to qualify for matching of your donation. You’ll be… Continue reading Speed benefits, reduce downsides of nanotechnology by Dec. 31

Keep Nanodot going for 2008: Help with Challenge Grant by Dec. 31

We hope you find Nanodot useful all year long. Now we need some assistance from our loyal readers: we have a Challenge Grant going, with every dollar you donate being matched one-for-one up to US$40K. But as of today we’re only about a quarter of the way to our goal. You can track our progress… Continue reading Keep Nanodot going for 2008: Help with Challenge Grant by Dec. 31

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