Nanotechnology to reduce experiments on animals

Here’s a cheerful note on which to end our week: Most of us would like to reduce the need for experimentation on animals, but the question has been how to do it without increasing risks to humans. Now nanotech is being considered as a possible route, in a new conference sponsored by IoN (there does… Continue reading Nanotechnology to reduce experiments on animals

Nanotechnology podcast: near, mid, and long term

Here at Foresight we like to present a balanced picture of nanotechnology, pushing for the benefits and heading off downsides. To do this, it’s necessary to discuss those nanotech downsides especially when someone asks about them. Earth & Sky asked me, and put the audio on the web: Upcoming, said Peterson, are issues of privacy… Continue reading Nanotechnology podcast: near, mid, and long term

Nanotechnology researcher, student, communicator nominations due tomorrow

There’s still time to get your nominations in for this year’s top nanotechnology researcher, student researcher, and communicator or publication: The Productive Nanosystems conference will detail the pathways leading to the ultimate in manufacturing, and the Feynman Prizes recognize this year’s most impressive achievements toward that goal,” said Dr. Pearl Chin, President of Foresight Nanotech… Continue reading Nanotechnology researcher, student, communicator nominations due tomorrow

June 30 deadline for Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology nominations

Foresight will be issuing our own release, but our partner SME got theirs out first, so here it is. Please make your nominations by June 30. It’s easy, and it’s okay to nominate your own research. Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology Nominations due June 30 Top Nanotech Researchers to be Honored at Productive Nanosystems Conference DEARBORN,… Continue reading June 30 deadline for Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology nominations

Dr. Pearl Chin named Foresight President

After a lengthy search, Foresight Nanotech Institute is very pleased to announce our new President, Dr. Pearl Chin. You can see her bio and photo on our website. Welcome to the team, Pearl! —Christine Nanotechnology Think Tank Appoints Dr. Pearl Chin President Foresight Nanotech Institute to further research, policy Palo Alto, Calif. June 8, 2007… Continue reading Dr. Pearl Chin named Foresight President

7th graders to clean ocean with nanotechnology

The winners of this year’s Lego engineering contest were inspired by nanotechnology concepts to design a robot to clean plastic from the ocean: For the competition, the students had to prepare a presentation on this year’s theme — nanotechnology, or molecular-size machines. They looked for a nanotech application that could clean up small, degraded plastic… Continue reading 7th graders to clean ocean with nanotechnology

Open source security for nanotechnology

In the long term, we’ll need effective security techniques for advanced nanotechnology-based systems. This will take a while to figure out, so come help us do it at an upcoming open source conference, Penguicon: Open Source-style Security for the Whole Physical World Christine Peterson, Bruce Schneier One of the biggest problems society faces this century… Continue reading Open source security for nanotechnology

What's next for nanotechnology

A recent issue of the useful journal Nanotechnology Law & Business includes a review (pdf) by Daniel Moore of J. Storrs Hall’s book Nanofuture: What’s Next for Nanotechnology. The conclusion: Nanofuture: What’s Next for Nanotechnology will be of interest to those looking for an introduction to the concepts of nanotechnology and molecular manufacturing. It is… Continue reading What's next for nanotechnology

Sun's nanotechnology vision paying off

Those of you who have tracked nanotechnology for a long time know that Sun Microsystems was one of the first corporations to take an interest in the field, e.g., sponsoring the Foresight Conferences over the years, and more recently helping to fund the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems. Now that foresight, combined with their compatibility… Continue reading Sun's nanotechnology vision paying off

U.K. nanotechnology project causing U.S. nanoenvy

In addition to the experimental project described here yesterday, there are now two more posted on the U.K. Software Control of Matter Ideas Factory blog which are very likely to be funded — the first experimental, the second theoretical: Directed Reconfigurable Nanomachines We propose a scheme to revolutionise the synthesis of nanodevices, nanomachines, and, ultimately,… Continue reading U.K. nanotechnology project causing U.S. nanoenvy

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