Gold nanostars shuttled to cancer cell nucleus to release drug

Gold nanostars targeted to a protein over-expressed in most cancer cells are shuttled by that protein directly to the cancer cell nucleus where illumination with a laser light releases a drug that deforms the nucleus and kills the cell.

Mounting graphene on boron nitride improves its electronic properties

Creating a superlattice by placing graphene on boron nitride may allow control of electron motion in graphene and make graphene electronics practical.

Nanoparticles reduce tumors in clinical trial

Clinical trials in patients with advanced or metastatic tumors using targeted nanoparticles to deliver a standard chemotherapeutic drug showed tumor shrinkage, even in the case of cancers for which that drug is not normally effective.

The Nanocentury: Bringing Digital Control to the Physical World

Christine Peterson will speak at Stanford University on August 8 on “The Nanocentury: Bringing Digital Control to the Physical World”.

Fast nanoscale 3D-printing (link to video)

A new two-photon polymerization process enables fast printing of arbitrarily complex three dimensional objects with 100-nanometer resolution.

Nano for younger kids

Nanotechnology outreach and education in Latin America, a buckyball toy, and a Swiss nanotechnology education kit featuring a Lego + laser model of an atomic force microscope

Webcast with Peter H. Diamandis on Abundance

Foresight Advisor Peter H. Diamandis will make the case that the world is getting better at an accelerating rate in a webcast presented on April 11 by Singularity University. Registration required to participate.

Adding to the toolbox for making complex molecular machines

A set of rationally engineered transcriptional regulators for yeast will make it easier to build complex molecular machine systems in yeast, some of which may become useful additions to pathway technologies for atomically precise manufacturing and productive nanosystems.

Nanotechnology-based sensor does rapid reads of single DNA molecule

A combination of a molecular motor protein and a nanopore protein has been harnessed for rapidly sequencing single DNA molecules.

Nanostructured adhesive can hold up to 700 pounds on glass

A hand-sized adhesive inspired by the skin and tendon morphology of a gecko provides an easily reversible force capable of holding 700 pounds on a glass surface.

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